17th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)



With today’s parables, we come to the end of that section of Matthew where he has his presentation of the parables of Jesus. And all of those parables basically are related to the Kingdom of God. You’ll see that even more focused today in the parables that are presented. 

But I would suggest to you that Jesus is talking more than just about the kingdom of God, the magnificence of the Kingdom – how precious it is, how radiant it is, how wonderful it is – but he is actually talking about the life of a disciple. 

Continue reading “17th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)”

Community Mass – 17th Sunday Ordinary Time – 7/26 11:15 am EDT

Please join us for our Community Mass for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sunday, July 26 at 11:15 AM EDT. It will be a public Mass celebrated in the church and also streamed online.

Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window here.

Community Mass – 16th Sunday Ordinary Time – 7/19 11:15 am EDT

Please join us for our Community Mass for the 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Sunday, July 19 at 11:15 AM EDT. It will be a public Mass celebrated in the church and also streamed online.

Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window here.

15th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)


We come to this 15th year [Sunday] in ordinary time. We listen to 3 very powerful scripture passages: one from Isaiah – and a very interesting one from Isaiah, because it factually passage at the end of the second book of Isaiah, just before the people are returning from exile. The reading from Romans began as great, for it speaks about the growing of all creation as it awaits the final resolution of God in regard to human history – all of history. Continue reading “15th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)”

Online Community Mass – 15th Sunday Ordinary Time – 7/12 11:15 am EDT

Please join us for our Online Community Mass for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Sunday, July 12 at 11:15 AM EDT.

Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window here.

Online Community Mass – 14th Sunday Ordinary Time – 7/5 11:15 am EDT

Please join us for our Online Community Mass for the 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Sunday, July 5 at 11:15 AM EDT. This will be our first public Sunday Mass at the Church since the shutdown.

Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window here.

13th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)


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obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-730437. All rights reserved.


In Matthew’s Gospel it is very important to know to whom Jesus is speaking. Today’s gospel is addressed to the apostles. The word apostle was used very loosely in the New Testament and indeed early Christian writings in general. This was before HR departments and “realistic job previews”. For Matthew, an apostle is “one who is sent” a rather literal translation of the word in Greek. He is vague however as to whom the word applies but I think it is a personal invitation to you.

Today we read the last verses of Chapter 10 of Matthew’s gospel. Chapter 10 is often called the “Missionary discourse”. In it Jesus tells those whom he will send, what gifts he will give to them and what is expected of them. Continue reading “13th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)”