Community Mass – 2nd Sunday of Lent

Please join us to celebrate the 2nd Sunday of Lent on Sunday, February 28th:

  • 9 AM EST – Morning Mass – In Person at the Church, not live streamed.
  • 11:15 AM EST Community Mass In Person at the Church and also streamed online and available for playback.

    Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window above.

Today’s readings and hymns are available to download here:

Community Mass – 1st Sunday of Lent

Please join us to celebrate the 1st Sunday of Lent on Sunday, February 21th:

  • 9 AM EST – Morning Mass – In Person at the Church, not live streamed.
  • 11:15 AM EST Community Mass In Person at the Church and also streamed online and available for playback.

    Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window above.

Today’s readings and hymns are available to download here:

Community Mass – 6th Sunday Ordinary Time

Please join us to celebrate the 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time on Sunday, February 14th:

  • 9 AM EST – Morning Mass – In Person at the Church, not live streamed.
  • 11:15 AM EST Community Mass In Person at the Church and also streamed online and available for playback.

    Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window above.

Today’s readings and hymns are available to download here:

5th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)

Gospel means good news. And as it was usually an edict of or command of an emperor, did not have particularly religious connotations.

Christ means anointed one in Hebrew.

Messiah, a person much desired, but also much to be feared. And again, would have many tasks that we would consider not even remotely religious.

“Son of God” is a bit ambiguous and could mean merely a good Israelite. But this ambiguity is removed in a few verses when, after Jesus’s baptism, the Father calls him his beloved son. An unprecedented statement of intimacy.

Like the first readers of St. Mark, we know how this ends. Jesus is executed, but rises again. Those who heard him live and in person did not know the conclusion. Mark will use the apostles to show us what these people thought and experienced throughout the gospel. He will always emphasize that they were mostly clueless and needed to have everything explained to them, and sometimes have the best dragged out of them. Think of Dr. Watson from Sherlock Holmes – but without the good manners.

Continue reading “5th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)”

Community Mass – 5th Sunday Ordinary Time

Please join us to celebrate the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time on Sunday, February 6th:

  • 9 AM EST – Morning Mass – In Person at the Church, not live streamed.
  • 11:15 AM EST Community Mass In Person at the Church and also streamed online and available for playback.

    Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window above.

Today’s readings and hymns are available to download here:

4th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)

As we read St. Mark’s gospel this year, it will be important to recognize that his audience is not getting new information. They have heard many stories about Jesus, and Mark’s intention is not tell them more, but to help them understand what they already know. This is the first gospel, and its author deserves to be considered a major literary innovator. Indeed, he uses sophisticated literary devices to help his congregation make the decision to follow Jesus, and he can help us as well. 

Continue reading “4th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)”

Community Mass – 4th Sunday Ordinary Time

Please join us to celebrate the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time – the Sunday of the Word of God – on Sunday, January 31:

  • 9 AM EST – Morning Mass – In Person at the Church, not live streamed.
  • 11:15 AM EST Community Mass In Person at the Church and also streamed online and available for playback.

    Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window above.

Today’s readings and hymns are available to download here: