

The Mass is not something you merely attend. It is something in which you participate. Everyone is called to contribute to the liturgy.  All parishioners are invited and encouraged to share their talents and interest with the St. Charles community by becoming involved in the activities of the church. Some require more time than others, but all are vital and very much appreciated. Please consider joining one of the following ministries. You are the Church.

ALTAR SERVERS:  Altar servers assist with various duties during the liturgy associated with the Mass, weddings, funerals, Holy Hours, Holy Week services and other ceremonies. Both boys and girls are eligible.  If interested, please contact the rectory office.

DECORATING/BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE:  At various times throughout the Church year, dedicated volunteers tastefully decorate our worship space. Their quiet presence is often unnoticed, yet the results are visible to all the parish community. They work to create beauty inside and on the outdoors at St. Charles Borromeo. They will teach you what needs to be done and mostly work in pairs to share the work. If interested, please contact the rectory office.

EURCHARISTIC MINISTERS:  Eucharistic Ministers are confirmed members of the parish who assist the priest in distribution of the body and blood of Christ at Mass and other liturgical services. They are trained by the pastor and sometimes are needed to bring communion to the sick or others unable to attend Mass. If interested, please contact the rectory office.

LECTORS: The Liturgy of the Word is an essential component of a Catholic Mass. Readers are responsible for reading Scripture from the altar at Mass. The reader should be able to read well, with a clear voice and proper diction. Prayerful preparation prior to Scripture reading is also required. Readers are usually assigned to read every four to six weeks and usually at the mass of their choice.

If interested, please contact the rectory office.

HOSPITALITY/USHER: Welcoming parishioners and visitors to our parish is an essential ministry. This is where we make our first impression of who we are. Ushers take up the collection at the offertory of the mass. Ushers are assigned to the Mass they attend. If interested, please contact the rectory office.

CHOIR: Sacred Music has a prominent place at St. Charles Borromeo Parish. All voice talents are invited.

The Parish Choir sings at the 10:30 a.m. liturgy on Sundays, and for celebrations of Christmas, Holy Week, Easter and other Feast through out the liturgical year.

Singers are invited to join the Sunday 7:00pm Mass group to help the assembly participate more fully in the liturgy. No formal training is needed- all voices are welcomed.

EVANGELIZATION: How does our Church create community and find the energy to reach out beyond our boundaries and share with others? This committee explores and devises strategies and methods to bring the good news of Jesus Christ into every human situation and seeking to convert individuals and society by the divine power of the Gospel. If interested , please contact the parish rectory office.