PPC Elections Now Open

Voting is now open in the Parish Pastoral Council election. Our Parish Pastoral Council (PPC”) is the seven-person group responsible for planning and executing the pastoral activities of our Parish. We are seeking three people to serve three-year terms, which will commence on June 15, 2022.

Three individuals were nominated by fellow parishioners: Tevin Williams, Alexandra Gupta, and Maria Lehman. Each candidate prepared a statement which appears below. Our Nomination Committee reviewed the candidates and determined they were all eligible to serve on the PPC.

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Seventh Sunday of Easter – Showing Our Understanding of Revelations

Revelations, Bible Story Windows at Table View Methodist Church,
Rev. Angus Kelly and Anika Van de Merwe, 2018–2019
(About this Image)

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the Second Reading
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Revelations 22:12–21
May 29, 2022

Today, we read the closing section of “The Book of Revelation.” It reprises its key themes:

  • we should heed the revelation;
  • the end is near;
  • and the righteous will be rewarded.

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Homily – 6th Sunday of Easter (Fr. Smith)

When I made my first will as a young priest, I was asked if I wanted to add a testament. It took a moment to realize that the lawyer wondered if I had any words of wisdom to impart. I did not and alas still do not, but others have both in American history and in the Bible. We have been reading the most famous biblical example for the several weeks at Mass. It is usually called the Farewell Discourse, but it follows the form of a classic testament.  

These were given by a teacher or patriarch to those whom he is leaving behind. It includes the announcement of departure, final instructions, warnings about the future and advice about potential dangers. The most important section was, then, as now, his legacy to those he left behind.  What would comfort and support his family or followers? That was what the disciples were waiting for, and we hear it today. 

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Community Mass – 5th Sunday of Easter

On Sunday, May 22, 2022, join us in person or online for the 6th Sunday of Easter.

Our current Sunday Mass times are:

The readings will be from Cycle C.

Entrance: Glory and Praise to Our God – 606

Readings and Psalm – 1078

Offertory:  I Know That My Redeemer – 527

Communion: How Great Thou Art – 578

Closing: Healing River – 643

The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are available for use in the church – pick one up as you enter and return it after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here: https://www.stcharlesbklyn.org/hymnal-missal/ .

Today’s readings are also available to read online at the USCCB website https://bible.usccb.org .

Sixth Sunday of Easter – The Reality of a God-Centered Existence

Utopien 04, Makis E. Warlamis,
2007, Daskunstmuseum (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The angel took me in spirit to a great, high mountain
and showed me the holy city Jerusalem
coming down out of heaven from God.
It gleamed with the splendor of God.
Its radiance was like that of a precious stone,
like jasper, clear as crystal.
(Revelations 21:10–11)

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the Second Reading
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Rev. 21:10–14, 22–23
May 22, 2022

Last week, John the Seer told us that the effect of the resurrection of Jesus would be not only individual transformation but also that of our entire world. Everything and everyone would be new. Today, he will show us what this means and will once more demand that we pay great attention to the Old Testament. This week, our attention will be drawn to Ezekiel and to Isaiah.

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