Community Mass – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Join us to worship together in person or online for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mass times are 9 am, 11:15 am, and 7 pm.

Watch the video live by clicking in the window above. Automated closed captioning is available.

If you like our online masses, please Like our videos so more people can find them. Subscribe to our YouTube channel stcharlesbklyn at this link to watch on your Internet enabled TV or viewing device.

Today’s readings will be from Cycle B.

Next Thursday Book Selection: The Screwtape Letters

During Lent, the Brownstone Brooklyn & Beyond book group will discuss C.S. Lewis’ satirical novel The Screwtape Letters. One of his most popular works, it uses a series of letters written by a senior demon to his young nephew to address observations on human nature, temptation, and the Christian faith. We will begin on February 15 with a discussion of the Preface through Chapter 8.

The Brownstone Brooklyn and Beyond book group meets weekly on Thursdays at 7 PM via Zoom. It is comprised of parishioners from various churches in the Brooklyn Heights/Park Slope area. The book club was the subject of a short video that was presented at the 2021 World Communications Day virtual conference. The video includes an interview with Fr. John Gribowich and some familiar shots along Sidney Place.

Help Serve the Parish on the PPC

We are looking for members to serve on our Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), the seven-person group responsible for planning and executing the pastoral activities of the parish. There are two open seats on the PPC as Alicia Washington has recently moved to Maryland to serve in a senior role in the US Attorney’s Office there and Carol DeSantis will be moving to Long Island. We have been blessed to have Alicia and Carol as involved members of our parish for many years and will miss them both.  

If you would like to nominate a parishioner for Parish Pastoral Council or you would like more information, please contact our Lay Trustees, Francis Chin ([email protected]) and Kerin Coughlin ([email protected]). You also submit a nomination by submitting the below form.

Please submit nominations by January 29.

Continue reading “Help Serve the Parish on the PPC”

Homily – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

The selection of today’s Gospel is from the early part of John’s gospel, and it begins with two disciples who were walking with John the Baptist, and John the Baptist sees Jesus walking and he points to him and he says, Behold the LAMB of God.

Now, one might wonder, why would he use that phrase? Well, I think part of it is understanding the gospel of John. The Gospel of John is written probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 to 110 A.D. But John writes something before that, which is of critical importance in being able to understand John’s gospel, and that is the Book of Revelation, which is a vision that John has as he’s on one of the islands, the island of Patmos.

Continue reading “Homily – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time”

Community Mass – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Join us to worship together in person or online for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mass times are 9 am, 11:15 am, and 7 pm.

Watch the video live by clicking in the window above. Automated closed captioning is available.

If you like our online masses, please Like our videos so more people can find them. Subscribe to our YouTube channel stcharlesbklyn at this link to watch on your Internet enabled TV or viewing device.

Today’s readings will be from Cycle B.