Community Mass – 12th Sunday Ordinary Time

Join us to worship together in person or online. Today, we celebrate the retirement of our pastor Fr. Bill Smith, and two new young members of our community will be baptized. Mass times are:

  • 9 AM ET Sunday – Morning Mass
  • 11:15 AM ET Sunday – Community Mass
  • 7 PM ET Sunday – Evening Mass

Watch the video live by clicking in the window above. Automated closed captioning is available.

If you like our online masses, please Like our videos so more people can find them. Subscribe to our YouTube channel stcharlesbklyn at this link to watch on your Internet enabled TV or viewing device.

Today’s readings will be from Cycle A.

Readings/Psalms: 1125

Entrance: Gather Your People – 837

Offertory: Be Not Afraid – 683

Communion: In Every Age – 716

Closing: Rain Down – 582

The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are available for use in the church – they are at the ends of the pews. Please return the missals to the end of the pew after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here: .

Today’s readings are also available to read online at the USCCB website .

Fr. Bill’s Farewell Cookout

Fr. Bill’s final Sunday Mass as pastor of St. Charles Borromeo will be tomorrow, June 25. Please join us following the 11:15 AM Mass (around 12:30 PM) for a gathering outside the church on Aitken Place to celebrate Fr. Bill’s six years with us and to express our gratitude for everything he has done to transform our parish. We will have a cookout with burgers, hot dogs, bratwurst, veggie burgers, and more as well as children’s activities.

Rain Location: In the event we cannot celebrate outside due to rain, we will celebrate in the back of the church. Currently, rain is expected to start tomorrow in the late afternoon. Let’s pray that forecast holds and we can gather outside on Aiken Place.

Pastor’s Appeal for New Catholic Charities Initiative

I will send a farewell letter next week, but I write today with a request to support an upcoming Catholic Charities initiative.

This Sunday is my last Sunday Mass as Pastor. My very last Mass, however, will be this Wednesday, June 28th at 12:10PM. It is fortuitous but not accidental. My first Mass as Pastor of St. Charles Borromeo was also June 28th. This was a few days early, but I asked Msgr. LoPinto if I could celebrate it because it is the anniversary of the death of Msgr. Charles Diviney, a former Pastor of St. Charles who was a dear friend and mentor. Msgr. LoPinto graciously consented, and I felt that Charlie was guiding me in my time here. I am happy that I will close my Pastorate on the same day with the hope and prayer that I did not disappoint him.

Among the many things I learned at St. Charles was the critical importance that Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens (CCBQ) plays in the lives of so many people. Our partnership with CCBQ both to the food insecure beginning during the pandemic and welcoming asylum seekers when they were sent to us not only assisted and continues to help many people in need but strengthened our parish in countless ways. This participation developed during unprecedented situations, and we can be proud of our response. The situation has now changed, and we must assess how we can better help our neighbors. We have the unique advantage of being a block away from CCBQ’s administrative offices at 191 Joralemon St and the disadvantage of not having dedicated space for the social services we would like to provide.

Continue reading “Pastor’s Appeal for New Catholic Charities Initiative”

Homily – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Smith)

Some stories are so good that it is hard to believe that they are true, and I must admit that I heard the story that I will tell today secondhand. It was however from my spiritual director who heard it from the young priest in question and if you can’t trust a lawyer who can you trust?

On the day of his ordination, a newly ordained priest met an older priest whom he had never seen before and never saw again who said to him “Today you have given your life to Christ, don’t spend the rest of it taking it back”.

Continue reading “Homily – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Smith)”

Community Mass – 11th Sunday Ordinary Time

Happy Father’s Day! Join us to worship together in person or online. Mass times are:

  • 9 AM ET Sunday – Morning Mass
  • 11:15 AM ET Sunday – Community Mass
  • 7 PM ET Sunday – Evening Mass

Watch the video live by clicking in the window above. Automated closed captioning is available.

If you like our online masses, please Like our videos so more people can find them. Subscribe to our YouTube channel stcharlesbklyn at this link to watch on your Internet enabled TV or viewing device.

Today’s readings will be from Cycle A.

Readings/Psalms: 1122

Entrance: Gather Us In – 848

Offertory: The Summons – 790

Communion: On Eagle’s Wings – 691

Closing: We Are Called – 807

The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are available for use in the church – they are at the ends of the pews. Please return the missals to the end of the pew after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here: .

Today’s readings are also available to read online at the USCCB website .