Collections for the Victims of Natural Disasters

Second Collections in Church:
Hurricane Maria: Oct 8th
Earthquake in Mexico:  Oct 15th

Material Goods:
We will be taking up a collection of desperately needed material goods for the victims of Hurricane Maria. These will be sent through Catholic Charities of Brooklyn to the Churches in Puerto Rico.  These items will be picked up by Catholic Charities and transported by JetBlue directly to Puerto Rico.

Please bring them to Mass on Oct 8th or to the Rectory on Oct 9th and 10th.  They will be picked up mid-week. (If you will not be able to attend church on Oct 8th, please call the rectory for a time to drop off the items.)

The following items are needed:

  • Bottled Water
  • Non-perishable food/canned food
  • Baby Food/Baby Formula
  • Diapers for Baby/Adult AND disposable wipes
  • Flashlights and Batteries
  • First Aid supplies – bandages, gauze, tape, antibiotic ointment, aspirin. Anti-diarrhea, Nausea, sunburn medication, sunscreen
  • Personal Hygiene Products – feminine, toothpaste, tooth brushes soap, shampoo, deodorant, foot care, towels, toilet paper
  • Sanitizers/ Cleaning Products – antibiotic soap, bleach, sponges, rushes mops, brooms, paper towels, gloves, mass, garbage bags.


There will be a Mass for the Victims of Hurricane Maria on:
Oct 20, 2017
Co-Cathedral of St Joseph

Annual Diocesan Appeal:
The Parish has pledged $26,475 of a $27,553 goal.  We ask you to read very carefully the bulletin inserts every work on the work of the appeal for our community and our Parish.

Garage Sale Saturday 9/30

The first St. Charles Borromeo Church Garage Sale takes place Saturday, Sept. 30th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 31 Sidney Place between State and Joralemon Sts. Please circle the date the calendar. We are not accepting bags of donations. Instead, we are asking parishioners, friends, relatives, and neighbors to purchase items or buy a table which costs $25 to sell your wares. This is an easy way to declutter our homes, make some cash, and help local charities. Your participation helps benefit these local charities: Hour Children, St. John Bread & Life, and Providence House.

Church and Rectory renovation updates 9/17/2017

St. Charles Borromeo is happy to announce that we will be working to restore our beloved facility to its original splendor. As you can likely tell from the scaffolding that has been installed around the entirety of our church, we have already begun the process. The following is a summary of work that will be taking place over the upcoming months:

  1. All paint will be removed from the exterior facade
  2.  All exterior masonry will be repaired, restored and cleaned.
  3. Gutters and roofing will be repaired and restored.
  4. Protective window coverings will be replaced to allow our spectacular stained glass windows to be appreciated.
  5. Fencing will be restored or replaced.

We anticipate that the scaffolding should be down by Independence Day and the whole project completed by Labor Day of next year. This assumes average cold and snowfall during the Winter. We appreciate the support our neighbors and community during this process and apologize for any

Church Windows
Due to the skill and hard work of Juliana O’Brien and Shumel Pearl we been awarded a grant of $75,000 for securing the Stained Glass windows of our Church. With this Grant we will have received $225,000.

Rectory/Parish Office
The rewiring and plastering will be completed by the end of September. The office and meeting rooms are, however, already in use. Full computer and phone service will be restored by late October. We thank you for your cooperation and patience.