All Saints Day/All Souls Novena

Wednesday, Nov. 1: All Saints Day
Holy Day of Obligation
Mass at 12:10 pm and 7 pm

Thursday, Nov. 2: All Souls Day
Mass at 12:10 pm, Novena Mass at 7 pm

Friday, Nov. 3-Saturday, Nov. 11: All Souls Novena continues
Novena Mass at 7 pm weekdays and Sunday; 12:10 pm Saturdays

Saturday, Nov. 4: Patron Feast Day of St. Charles Borromeo
12:10 pm Novena Mass to rededicate the Parish Center Chapel, 31 Sidney Place.
The Chapel is wheelchair accessible.

The All Souls novena will be conducted from this Thursday, Nov. 2nd to Saturday Nov. 11th for deceased family and friends. More than remembering our deceased loved ones, this is an opportunity to join with them praising the Father in the communion of Saints. Envelopes will be available in the entrances to the Church.

Fr. William Smith Installation as Pastor

Fr. William Smith was formally installed as Pastor on October 22 by Auxiliary Bishop James Massa in a joyous Mass, followed by a reception at the school building. One new young parishioner was also blessed by the Bishop and baptised afterwards in a private ceremony.

Additional photos from the Mass available here.

Listen to audio from the Mass:


October Update

Catholic Appeal:

It has been well said that a budget is a moral document. Mission statements are fine in their way but show me where you are spending your money and I will show you what your beliefs really are. For the last few weeks we have been looking at the activities and ministries sustained by the Annual Catholic Appeal. This is the real mission statement of the Diocese. I ask you to look at the pie chart in the insert to today’s parish bulletin. It shows a range of concerns and the values that the Diocese of Brooklyn truly hold. They extend from the care of retired priests, some of whom have been ordained over 60 years, to maintinaing Catholic Schools for our youngest members. I have been most personally indebted to the hospital and nursing home chaplaincies supported by the campaign and professionally by “Faith Formation and Pastoral Life”. Others would pehaps have different priorities but they would all reveal a concern for the needs of the people of Brooklyn and Queens. Turning to the other side of the paper you can see how we can support the appeal and the wonderful work it does among us. I ask you to read and to reflect on both sides.

Recent collections:
September 3 – Catholic University Collection – $671.00
September 24 – Disaster relief Collection – $1,470.00

Liturgical Ministers:

There will be a training session for anyone who would like to be a Lector, Eucharistic minister or Minister of Hospitality for St Charles at:
2202 60th Street
Brooklyn New York 11204

On Dec 9, 2017 from 9:00AM to 3:30PM.
Travel time under 1 hour by subway, under 30 mins by car
If you are interested please call Fr Smith in the rectory,

All Souls Novena:

The All Souls novena will be conducted from Thursday, Nov 2nd to Saturday Nov 11th for deceased family and friends. The times for the Mass for each day will be in the bulletin the weeks of Oct 29th and Nov 5th. More than remembering our deceased loved ones this is an opportunity to join with them praising the Father in the communion of Saints. Envelopes will be available in the entrances to the Church.