Podcast – 5th Sunday Ordinary Time C – 7 PM

Homily (Fr. Bill)

Homily (Fr. John)

“The Summons”

Responsorial Psalm – “In the Sight of the Angels”

Full Mass – 7 PM

5th Sunday Ordinary Time – Who Will Go For Us

Bishop’s Visit and Strategic Plan 
Thank you for all of your support for Bishop DiMarzio’s visit last Sunday!  We presented our strategic plan for the next three years, which was well received. Read a copy of the report that we presented at the following link:

St Charles PPC Strategic Plan Summary for Bishop


The Study of St Luke:

St Luke was a talented writer and used many literary devices to bring great depth to his Gospel and to the “Acts of the Apostles”. He writes on an epic scale, but keeps his story coherent by using references to other parts of his writings and to the Hebrew Scriptures.  Next week, we will look at his distinctive way of quoting from the Old Testament and himself. This week we will look at how he incorporates Mary the Mother of God into the very texture of his work. Continue reading “5th Sunday Ordinary Time – Who Will Go For Us”

4th Sunday Ordinary Time – Called to be Faithful

Reminder: Bishop’s Visit at the 9 AM Mass this Sunday. Please join us to welcome Bishop DiMarzio. As it is the Feast of St. Blaise, the traditional Blessing of the Throats will be offered en globo – we can all use the help at this time of the year.

From Pope Francis:

Moreover, in the social web identity is too often based on opposition to the other, the person outside the group: we define ourselves starting with what divides us rather than with what unites us, giving rise to suspicion and to the venting of every kind of prejudice (ethnic, sexual, religious and other). This tendency encourages groups that exclude diversity, that even in the digital environment nourish unbridled individualism which sometimes ends up fomenting spirals of hatred. In this way, what ought to be a window on the world becomes a showcase for exhibiting personal narcissism…

“Message from the Holy Father Francis for the 53rd World Day of Social Communications”



Update on Renovations: Continue reading “4th Sunday Ordinary Time – Called to be Faithful”