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2nd Sunday of Lent – Look at the Stars


The first session of lecture, prayer and discussion on the Crucifixion met last Thursday. It was wonderful seeing members of St Charles and Grace Church praying and discussing a matter of our common faith so intently together. You may find the Podcast of the address and the music at our website here. I hope you will find the talk enlightening and the music uplifting, but the most valuable part of the evening was the discussion. This is the kind of topic which calls out for an examination from as many perspectives as possible. I hope that you will be able to attend next Thursday’s session at Grace Church and add your heart and voice to our Lenten journey.

(A question on Gnosticism arose at the meeting; you will find an excellent article on this at the end of this post.)

Fr. Bill and Rev. Dr. Allen F. Robinson, Rector of Grace Church Brooklyn Heights at “The Crucifixion” lecture on March 14.


I will be celebrating my 40th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination on Sunday, March 31st at the 11:15 AM Mass. I ask for your prayers and thank you for the tremendous affection and support you have shown me in my relatively brief time at St Charles. As this is Lent, there will be no reception or other commemoration. I expect to be alive for my 50th Anniversary and will have something then.

– Fr Bill


Second Sunday of Lent

Genesis 15:5–12, 17–18


Today we read a section from the 15th chapter of Genesis. It is the origin story of the Jewish people. Dating the portrayed events – much less separating fact from legend – is essentially impossible. Memories would have been passed down for a millennium before they were written down about 500 BC. Along the way they would have been influenced by historical events, theological assumptions, and real estate conflicts. What we shall see, however, is that the Jews could not understand themselves without prophecy and covenant.
Continue reading “2nd Sunday of Lent – Look at the Stars”

Podcast: The Crucifixion – Lecture Series Part 1

This Lent, St. Charles is partnering with Grace Church for a four-part Lecture Series on The Crucifixion by Fleming Rutledge. This inter-faith fellowship session was on
• Thursday, March 14th at 7:00 PM at St. Charles Borromeo.

Lecturer: Fr. Bill Smith
Musician: Joseph Vanderpool

Future sessions will be held on:
• Thursday, March 21st at 7:00 PM at Grace Church (254 Hicks Street).
• Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 PM at St. Charles Borromeo (19 Sidney Place).
• Thursday, April 4th at 7:00 PM at Grace Church.