Baptism of the Lord – Fr. Smith Homily

Today’s passage does not answer my basic question about the Baptism of Jesus: “What is the difference between John’s baptism and Jesus’?”

There are hints of an answer, but I want clear and distinct ideas and I am not going to get them. What we want to know and what Jesus wants to tell us may not always be the same thing. So, let us try to see what Jesus wants us to know.   Continue reading “Baptism of the Lord – Fr. Smith Homily”

St. Charles’ Angels – Holy Communion at Home or in Hospital or Institution

“Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life.”

— St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

As Eucharistic Ministers, we assist parish priests with the distribution of the Holy Communion.  We also bring Jesus Christ, in the form of the Holy Eucharist, to parishioners who are confined to their homes or in assisted living centers, or who are hospitalized or incapacitated in some way that renders them unable to attend Mass to receive their sacraments.

The mission of our Eucharistic Ministry is to serve as compassionate visitors, offering a pastoral link between the parish, the sick, and the homebound. If you, or a loved one, or someone you know is need of this ministry, please complete the form below or contact:

Kerin Coughlin
St. Charles Borromeo Church
31 Sidney Place
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Holy Communion at Home or in Hospital or Institution

Holy Communion at Home or in Hospital or Institution

Baptism of the Lord – Blessed, Anointed—To What End?

The Baptism of Christ, Guido Reni, 1622-1623, Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna)

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Isaiah 42:1–4, 6–7
January 12, 2020

The first reading for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is the same every year. It allows us to see not only how deeper our understanding of the Old Testament has become but also to demonstrate how the same passage from Scripture can be applied to new situations. We will therefore provide the same commentary as last year, and I would assume next year, but with a different application.

The return of the Jewish leaders to Jerusalem was obviously an important event for the Jews. Isaiah, who has a wider view of history, shows us in today’s reading that we must also see it from the perspective of “world” history, God cannot move without disruption. To understand this, we must begin with chapter 41.

Isaiah is creating a trial scene in which God is the prosecuting attorney and Judge. The first case is “Who liberated the Jewish People?” As we proceed, note that the scriptural passages are listed in the headers, but only a small section is written out. Hebrew poetry is a bit repetitive to our ears. Continue reading “Baptism of the Lord – Blessed, Anointed—To What End?”

Baptisms During Lent

This year Ash Wednesday occurs on February 26. It is the beginning of Lent which will continue to Holy Thursday on April 9. Baptisms are not celebrated at Sunday Masses during Lent. Therefore, there will be no Baptisms at the 11:15 AM Mass on March 22.

The most perfect day for Baptism is Easter, April 12. We encourage families to have your child baptized on that day at the 11:15 AM Mass or to wait until May 24.

As there are many reasons why either of these alternatives might be impossible, there will be a Baptismal Mass on Saturday, March 28 at noon.

Baptismal classes will be Sunday, February 9 and March 8 in the church at 2 PM. There will be no Baptismal Class on April 12 (Easter).

Please contact the rectory to reserve a place at the classes or for further information about baptismal times.