Celebrating Our First Communicants

Please join us in congratulating our children who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday, September 19.

Katherine Arzouian
Archer Beke
Emma Bini
Aidan Coughlin
Monroe Farah
Flora Gimon
Bryant Roman, II
Henry Richard Slamin
Jackson Valk   

Kindly keep each one of these children in your prayers.

Lord Jesus, bless all those
who have received you
in Holy Communion for the first time.
May each one of them know your
love and mercy in a personal way.
May all your people open
their hearts to receive you
that they might be transformed
by your presence.

Journey to Justice Program after Mass on Sep. 27

To continue our conversations about race and how we, as Catholics, are called to act for social justice, the Young Professionals are hosting a discussion with one of our fellow parishioners Alicia Washington on September 27. After the 11:15 AM Mass, Alicia Washington will share her experiences as a black woman in America, which will be moderated by Fr. John Gribowich.

Alicia grew up in Dallas, TX, and is a graduate of two Ivy-league institutions. As she has gone through life she has had experiences that have reassured her of her minority status but has also had important allies that have lifted her up.

Please join us as we continue to learn and grow in our own community with these deep conversations.

Afterwards we will be hosting a follow up discussion in the rectory garden for up to 10 people. Please respond below if you are interested in attending the follow-up discussion. Social distancing, and masks will be required.

Journey to Justice Discussion September 2020

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Being God’s Presence Every Day

Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, Johann Christian Brandt, 1769, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Vienna

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the First Reading
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 55:6-9
September 20, 2020

Since Easter we have been examining the Second Readings for Sunday Mass: starting with the First Letter of Peter and then Paul’s Letter to the Romans. We return this week to the First Reading for Mass, which as usual, will be from the First Testament: today Isaiah 55:6-9. For a better understanding however we will need to begin with 55:1.

The church uses Isaiah many times during the year. Grasping Jesus’ mission is impossible without an appreciation of the message of Isaiah. It might be better to say messages because as we have seen so many times before there were three people who used the name Isaiah and although they shared much in common, we can discern differences in emphasis and indeed development. Today is certainly one of those times. Continue reading “25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Being God’s Presence Every Day”

Community Mass – 25th Sunday Ordinary Time – 9/20 11:15 am EDT

Please join us for our Community Mass for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sunday, September 20 at 11:15 AM EDT. It will be a public Mass celebrated in the church and also streamed online.

Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window here.

Stay on after Mass for our quarterly leadership meeting. In person and Zoom attendees will be able to speak and participate.

24th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-730437.


St. Matthew was a pastor. He is writing his gospel to a community in which he himself is a leader. I have found him a great support and inspiration since I became a pastor myself but never more than now. His whole gospel has great relevance for parish leadership especially the 18th chapter which we proclaim today. Reading it urges me to act differently for the near future and I hope that you will feel the same.

Continue reading “24th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)”

Congratulations to Our Newly Confirmed

The following students from the Family Faith Program after finishing their preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation in the spring, were finally confirmed by our pastor Father Smith on September 12. Please pray for them that they will always be willing to bear witness to the Catholic Faith.