29th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Answering God’s Call

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 45:1, 4-6
October 18, 2020

This week, we continue reading the book of Isaiah, but we will move from Jerusalem around 700 BC to Babylon around 530 BC and the second person to use that name. Like his namesake, he believes in the sovereignty of the LORD, that the LORD works in history, and that Jews have a vocation to the world. He will however bring a distinct perspective and greater subtlety to his analysis and prophecy.

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Community Mass – 29th Sunday Ordinary Time – 10/18 11:15 am EDT

Please join us for our Community Mass for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sunday, October 18 at 11:15 AM EDT. It will be a public Mass celebrated in the church and also streamed online.

Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window here.

28th Sunday Ordinary Time (Msgr. LoPinto Homily)

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-730437.

As we look at the Scripture for this 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we see that there is a common theme. I would describe that theme as an invitation in the First Reading from Isaiah, and it’s part of the first part of Isaiah.

As you might recall, Isaiah is made up of three parts, expanding over – covering many, many years. The first part is Isaiah responding to the invitation of God to become God’s spokesperson. As that part of Isaiah then progresses, there is an awareness of struggle on the part of the people, and Isaiah is addressing that struggle. It is a struggle that has caused the people in a sense to become very down-hearted.

And so when you come to this particular section of Isaiah, the invitation is to this great feast. It is invitation to what can best be described as a messianic banquet: rich food, choice wine. But always interesting enough, on the mountain – they’re invited to the mountain.  And in a sense the invitation can best be described, I think, as an invitation to a people who are burdened to dream: to dream of a better moment, to dream of what comes from hearing God’s word. Trusting in God and then dreaming of the vision of what God will bring into being.

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9 AM Mass Resumes on October 18

We are happy to share that our 9 AM Sunday Mass will resume on October 18. Thanks to our reopening committee, volunteer ushers, music ministry, lectors, and priests for making it possible to expand our worship times on Sunday.

Starting on October 18, two Sunday Masses will be celebrated at St. Charles Borromeo: 9 AM and 11:15 AM. The 11:15  AM Mass will continue to be live-streamed via Zoom and YouTube and also available for later viewing on YouTube for those who are not able to join us in person. We will look to add a 7 PM Mass at a later date.

Again, the new schedule starts in eight days on Sunday, October 18. There is no 9 AM Mass this upcoming Sunday, October 11; only a 11:15 AM Mass.

We are still seeking more volunteer ushers. Our volunteer ushers allow us to worship together while abiding by the recommended safety precautions. If you are able to serve as an usher either at a 9 AM or 11:15 AM Sunday Mass, please contact Jane Olson, Joe Genova, or speak to them outside the church after Mass.

Memorial Mass for Frances X. Gates on 10/24

We will hold a memorial mass in honor of Frances X. Gates, a beloved and devoted parishioner of St. Charles, to commemorate the one-year anniversary of her death on Saturday, Oct. 24, 5 PM in the church. After the Mass, we’ll induct her into the St. Charles Borromeo Hall of Fame in the back of the church and have a small, socially-distant reception in the narthex. All are welcome to attend.

St. Charles at Home 26 – Belonging Comes Before Belief

Pastor Fr. Bill Smith and Terriann Nohilly discuss the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, regarding the Parable of the Vineyard.  They discuss motherhood, the connectedness that comes with being part of a real community, and the small actions that can foster it.

St. Charles at Home episodes feature conversation between the prior Sunday’s homilist and parishioners to provide us with more connection to the parish during the week. The videos are available on our YouTube channel and our website.