Pentecost – Sequence & Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)

Today, we come to celebrate the great feast of Pentecost.

It is, in a sense, the end of the great feast that make up the Paschal mystery.

First being the passion and death and resurrection of the Lord, second being the Lord’s ascension in heaven, and the third being Pentecost for the soul of the spirit and all of these which take place over a 50 day period, all of them have a purpose.

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Community Mass – Pentecost

Please join us to celebrate Pentecost on Sunday, May 23rd.

Our current Mass times are:

Today’s readings and hymns are available to download below.

Updated COVID Safety Protocols

The Diocese of Brooklyn has issued new COVID guidelines for Masses. We will implement the following changes beginning this Sunday at St. Charles:

  • Churches can return to 100% capacity. We will no longer be roping off pews, but we ask you to maintain social distance from those not in your household.
  • Mask mandates are still in place as not everyone in church has been vaccinated.  
  • The regular Communion procession will resume directly up the center aisle. After receiving the host in your hand, please step to the side to the marked area, remove your mask, consume the host, then replace your mask. 
  • We ask that you continue to sanitize your hands as you enter the church. 
  • Sunday obligation will resume on June 6 (Corpus Christi Sunday). We will continue to stream the 11:15 AM Mass. 
  • 7 PM Mass will resume on June 6.

As always, we appreciate your continued help in keeping us all safe. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the rectory.

Pentecost – Bright Tongues of Fire; Tighter Bonds of Community

Impromptu Gathering on Church Steps after the 9 AM Mass last Sunday

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the First Reading
Pentecost Sunday
Acts 2:1-11
May 23, 2021

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Disciples is one of the determining events of Christianity, yet it is dramatized in four verses in the “Acts of the Apostles.” This certainly reveals Luke’s literary skill but also that he could rely on his readers or listeners recognizing the scriptural references and making a commitment to studying his work intensely and often. In preparation for Pentecost, we will rely more heavily on quoting from the scriptures, both the Old Testament and Luke’s Gospel, than usual to make it more understandable.

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7th Sunday of Easter – Homily (Fr. Smith)

There is nothing more important in life than who we love, yet it has been well said that we cannot explain why we love someone. If a husband were to say that he loved his wife because she was beautiful, she might indignantly answer “What happens if I lost my beauty?” “Would you still love me?” If she however told her husband that she loved him because he was a good provider he could well respond, “Would you still love me if I lost my job?” Why we love is a mystery because there is simply too much meaning to express in questions and answers. It is the stuff of poetry and drama not philosophy and science and the best even the most subline literature can accomplish is the hinting at the fullness. 

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Community Mass – 7th Sunday of Easter

Please join us to celebrate the 7th Sunday of Easter on Sunday, May 16th.

Our current Mass times are:

Today’s readings and hymns are available to download below.