11th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Reality and Presence of God

Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the First Reading
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ezekiel: 17:22-24
June 13, 2021

We return today to the Book of Ezekiel. He was an interesting man who lived in interesting times and always seems to have something to say our contemporary situation. Before examining today’s passage let us look at his life and then the passage before the one chosen for today.

Ezekiel was born about 622 BC in Jerusalem and died about 570 BC in Babylon and the dates and places tell his story. Jerusalem was situated on the trade route between Egypt to the south and whatever power was dominating the north. Never a mighty empire, the Jews were able to play one power off against the other to maintain significant independence for over 3 centuries. Ezekiel lived at the time when this ended. In 609 BC, the leaders of Judah thought that the Neo-Babylonian empire was ascendant and allied themselves with it. By 597 the leadership felt that it was weakening, and they could assert more independence. This was a grave miscalculation and the Babylonians invaded, conquered Jerusalem, and took King Jehoiachin and many Jewish leaders into captivity. Ezekiel was one of these and he spent the rest of his life in Babylon. The Babylonians under King Nebuchandnezzar placed Zedekiah in his place. He seemed to be pro-Babylonian but sometime between 593 BC and 488 BC he thought he could get a better deal from Egypt and sought and alliance. In 586/87 BC, Nebuchadnezzar reacted and destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple exiling the remaining leaders of the people especially the royal court, the scribes and the priests. Without the temple, how could the Covenant be maintained and without the monarchy how could the promise to David be fulfilled? All that could be seen was devastation. (This may be found in 2 Kings 24:6–20) Ezekiel however saw more. He expressed the situation and its cause poetically in the Parable or riddle of the eagles.

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The Watermark: Open House Weekend

The Watermark at Brooklyn Heights invites us to tour its new spaces and learn more about independent living, assisted living and memory care.

To arrange a tour during open house weekend, please contact Ann Murtagh at 347-343-4900 or [email protected]. Tours will be offered between 10 AM and 6 PM on June 12 and 13.

The Watermark at Brooklyn Heights is located at 21 Clark Street.

About the Watermark at Brooklyn Heights

The Watermark at Brooklyn Heights is a historic landmark. Our modernized 1920s-era building features an art studio and gallery on the mezzanine, showcasing work from local artists; you’ll also find a theater, programs and activities from our award-winning Watermark University, a heated indoor pool; as well as a range of mind/body wellness programs at the fitness and wellness center.

Learn More about Watermark at Brooklyn Heights

Corpus Christi – Worshiping Sincerely, Living Justly

The Last Supper, Juan de Juanes, c. 1562, Museo del Prado

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the First Reading
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Exodus: 24 3-8
June 6, 2021

Today’s reading narrates the LORD’s first attempt to make a covenant with the Israelites after freeing them from captivity in Egypt. We have seen covenants many times before and no passage can exhaust its meaning and importance. A covenant forms a relationship between persons. It is more than a contract. Although it can have stipulations, as we will see today, it is ultimately a sharing of life and thus will always include a meal. Today, this will be emphasized using blood, the primordial sign of life. There are many kinds of convents, but they are all invitations to become part of a family. We can only understand these passages in general, and today’s in particular, if we are awestruck at what the LORD is offering the Israelites.

Continue reading “Corpus Christi – Worshiping Sincerely, Living Justly”

Community Mass – Corpus Christi

Please join us to celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ on Sunday, June 6th.

Our current Mass times are:

  • 9 AM EDT – Morning Mass – in person, not streamed
  • 11:15 AM EDT – Community Mass – in person and streamed online
  • 7 PM EDTEvening Mass – in person, not streamed

    Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window above.

Today’s readings and hymns are available to download below.