Hurricane Irene

Fr. Ed will be opening the church Sunday for Mass at the usual times – 9 AM, 10:30 AM and 7 PM. Please take into account weather conditions when traveling to St. Charles. Do not attempt to come in dangerous conditions – your personal safety is most important.   See Bishop DeMarzio’s statement about the hurricane.We pray that we will get through this storm safely.

If you live in a Zone A flood evacuation area, the nearest shelter to St. Charles is the New York City Technical College Gymnasium, 285 Jay Street (between Tillary Street & Tech Place), Brooklyn N.Y. 11201 (718-260-5104).

Parish Pastoral Plan Self-Evaluation

Each spring, Parish Pastoral Councils in the Diocese of Brooklyn are invited to reflect upon their ministry, the life of the parish and the progress made in addressing the goals of the parish’s pastoral plan.  This evaluation is also a time to update the parish’s plan to reflect more closely the goals that the parish will seek to live out in the coming year.

We invite our parishioners to view the report the Pastoral Council submitted to the Diocese today. Please download a PDF version of the report by clicking on the link below.

2011 Parish Pastoral Plan Self-Evaluation (PDF)

Parish Center Proposal

On June 12, Fr. Ed presented the proposal for the new Parish Center, which will be located in the former Convent at 31 Sidney Place. The new center will include new Rectory offices, an Eucharistic Adoration chapel, flexible meeting spaces for religious education, performances, and parish social events, as well as housing for resident priests. The plans include restoring the stoop to match the neighboring historic buildings, and making the entire building accessible and barrier-free. Please view below a computer-rendered video of the proposal, as well as a powerpoint of the new plans.

STCB Parish House Center PowerPoint