Fr. Ed Appointed Brooklyn West Dean

On April 28th, Father Ed will be installed as Dean of the parishes in this area of Brooklyn, the Brooklyn West Cluster. In this capacity he will be working with the parishes to coordinate and foster an environment of working together.

If any Parishioners would like to attend a Vespers service at Saint James Cathedral at 3 p.m. that day for the installation of Father Ed and the other priests appointed as Dean of their cluster, kindly contact the rectory so that we can get tickets.

Moving at SCB

At the end of January, our rectory will be relocating. The Parish office will be moving to the new Parish Center at 31 Sidney Place. The priests’ residence will temporarily be at 1 Aitken Place (19 Sidney Place). Our email and phone numbers will remain the same, but please bear with us in answering or returning your calls during our move.