Category: News
In Memoriam: Locke Wallace
Locke E. Wallace Jr., a long-time, well-loved member of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, died last Thursday, August 24, 2023, at the age of 93. He and his wife, Patricia, regularly attended 11:15 AM Mass for many years. They also provided many concerts in our church, with Locke singing classics from the American songbook with Patricia accompanying him on the piano. Here’s a sample. He will be greatly missed. A memorial service will be scheduled in the near future.
Eternal rest grant onto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
Our 7 PM Mass Resumes on June 6
We will resume our Sunday evening Mass at 7 PM on a trial basis starting on June 6. Affectionately known as the “Last Chance Mass in Brooklyn,” it provides an opportunity for Sunday worship and fellowship, who those cannot participate in a morning Mass either on a given Sunday or in general.
Ushers Needed! Just like at our morning Masses, we would like to have ushers to greet Mass attendees and help maintain social distancing.
If you can help serve, please contact the rectory ([email protected]) or (718) 625-1177.
Updated COVID Safety Protocols
The Diocese of Brooklyn has issued new COVID guidelines for Masses. We will implement the following changes beginning this Sunday at St. Charles:
- Churches can return to 100% capacity. We will no longer be roping off pews, but we ask you to maintain social distance from those not in your household.
- Mask mandates are still in place as not everyone in church has been vaccinated.
- The regular Communion procession will resume directly up the center aisle. After receiving the host in your hand, please step to the side to the marked area, remove your mask, consume the host, then replace your mask.
- We ask that you continue to sanitize your hands as you enter the church.
- Sunday obligation will resume on June 6 (Corpus Christi Sunday). We will continue to stream the 11:15 AM Mass.
- 7 PM Mass will resume on June 6.
As always, we appreciate your continued help in keeping us all safe. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the rectory.
Diocese of Brooklyn Announcement on the Resumption of Weekday & Sunday Masses
The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, is pleased to announce that churches in the Diocese of Brooklyn can re-open for Weekday Mass on Monday, June 29, 2020. At St. Charles Borromeo, we will celebrate public Mass on Wednesdays at 12:10 PM beginning on July 1, 2020 and a public Sunday Mass at 11:15 AM beginning on Sunday, July 5, 2020. COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place, including the requirement that all who enter a church must bring and must wear their own mask during the entire Mass and maintain proper social distancing.
“Catholics in Brooklyn and Queens have been longing for the celebration of Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist. But our sacrifice and patience have borne fruit, and we did our part to flatten the curve of the terrible coronavirus pandemic. Soon we can come together to be nourished by the spiritual food we have been desperate for,” said Bishop DiMarzio.
In preparation for the joyous day when Mass will resume, the Diocese of Brooklyn is launching a video today in English, which can be viewed above, and Spanish to give Catholics in Brooklyn and Queens an understanding of the changes they will experience as a result of COVID-19 safety protocols designed to keep everyone healthy and safe. Below is a sunmary of the safety protocols: Continue reading “Diocese of Brooklyn Announcement on the Resumption of Weekday & Sunday Masses”
Article in the Tablet on Parishioners’ Efforts to Combat Racism
The Tablet, Brooklyn’s diocesan newspaper, covered our parish’s faith-based discussions on race in an article “Parishioners’ Goal: Eradicate Racism One Conversation at a Time.” It includes quotes by Tevin Williams, Josephine Dongbang, Fr. Bill Smith, and Fr. Gribowich.
TV Interview with Tevin Williams and Fr. Bill Smith
Jessica Easthope of Currents TV interviewed Tevin Williams and Fr. Bill Smith about how our parish is working to discuss and act against racial injustice.
The segment, “St. Charles Borromeo Church Works to Combat Racism Through Open Dialogue on Race in America,” aired last night and be watched below or on Currents site.
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