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16th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Romans 8:26–27
July 19, 2020
Last week’s reading began with
I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth
(Rom. 8:18)
comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us.
This is a common theme in the New Testament. We saw when reading the 1st Letter of Peter that his community suffered from the scorn of family and former friends. We will see in Matthew’s Gospel the suffering of internal divisions. Each of these authors use these experiences to relate the present situation of that particular community to Jesus’ ministry, death and resurrection. Paul does the same, but he broadens the perspective to the whole of creation and indeed God himself.
Jewish law was evidence-based. Testimony was always required. To prove that today’s sufferings are insignificant to the glory for which we are intended Paul gives us three witnesses:
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