Job Opportunities – U.S. Census Bureau

The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting for part-time and full-time positions to help make the 2010 Census a success. These jobs offer good pay from $14 to $20 an hour, paid training and reimbursement for work-related expenses. Our mission is to make sure everyone is counted in our local Brooklyn community. It is very important to have people from each neighborhood to assist them. The first step is to take a basic skills test: to schedule for this test, call 718-360-5150.

Ash Wednesday – Beginning of Lent – Feb 17th

In four weeks we begin the celebration of the Lenten Season (a fitting time to climb the holy mountain of Easter). We use this season for penance and for the renewal of our baptismal promises. Traditionally the parish provides a series of daily Lenten Meditations to nourish our Spiritual growth during this season. We extend an invitation to all members of the parish to write a meditation they would like to share with everyone. The submissions will be written up in booklet form and shared with everyone. Please e-mail or drop into the collection basket your meditations no later than Jan. 31.

Sacramental Celebrations in 2009

During 2009 we celebrated 38 Baptisms, 12 Marriages (plus an additional 10 prepared for out of state marriages), 5 Confirmations and 3 First Holy Communions. In addition two candidates in the R.C.I.A. were Baptized, two candidates were received into the Catholic Church while one completed First Holy Communion and received Confirmation. May God bless all of these good people and continue to guide and direct their faith formation! Pray for them.

Donations for 2009

End of Year Donations
As you approach the end of 2009 looking for charitable donations to lower your taxes please remember Saint Charles Borromeo Church. Your gift will allow us to continue the work of “spreading the Good News”!
Income Tax Charitable Donation Statements
We can provide end of the year statements of yourcontributions to St Charles Borromeo if needed for your income tax. I.R.S. regulations permit us to provide statements of contribution for cash offerings only if those donations are made in an envelope and we record them weekly. Sometimes we are asked to provide statements of contributions for cash placed in the basket on a weekly basis. This can only be done if those cash offerings are made in an envelope and recorded by the counting group each week.

Help Needed

Our Parish Vocation Committee and our Bulletin Board Committee need a “few good volunteers” to help with their important work. The Vocation committee works with the Diocesan Vocation Office to promote a greater awareness of the Call to Service while the Bulletin Board group try to visually highlight events in the Parish.

Weekly Envelopes

Your donation envelopes will no longer be mailed to your house (or apartment). Soon we will be displaying the boxes of envelopes in the entrance of the Church for you to pick up.

This economy will save us on postage and provide you with certain reception of your envelopes for 2010. More information will follow before the boxes of
envelopes are displayed.