Fr. Ed speaks about generosity as part of being a dynamic Catholic.
Category: Messages from the Pastor
Funeral Mass for Alice E. Matthews
The funeral mass for Alice E. Matthews will be held at St. Charles at 10:30 am on Tuesday, July 17th. The wake will be at Heights & Hill on Monday, July 16th from 2-5 pm and 7-9 pm.
Mrs. Matthews, who lived to 102, is the mother of Maureen Pond, our director of Family Faith Formation.
Relocation of Parish Office
In August, our Parish Office and rectory will relocate to the Church (Aitken Place door) until the renovation and reconstruction of the former convent is completed. The phone numbers will remain the same and Fr. Ed will be living in the apartment above the Sacristy. The work on these facilities will start soon and we will notify everyone when the relocation takes place.
Next Sunday, May 27, is the Feast of Pentecost. Any adults who have been baptized and received First Holy Communion but not confirmation may be confirmed by Fr. Ed on that day. Please email or speak to Fr. Ed after Mass if you wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
3rd Sunday of Easter
Our lives are full of uncertainty and doubt, but He is there to sustain us and to give us strength.
Diocesan Strategic Planning
As you are aware, the Diocese of Brooklyn over the last two years has been in the process of self-study to reconfigure its resources. This has included studying the pastoral and financial viability of all of its 192 parishes. We are happy to report that thanks to your prayers, hard work, and support, no reconfiguration of the parish is needed and that St. Charles will continue to serve the Brooklyn Heights community into the future. Bishop DiMarzio has asked us to provide a strategic multi-year plan to continue to have balanced budgets and to attend to the deferred maintenance that the parish buildings require. Please see the attached letter from our Bishop by clicking on the link below.
Easter Triduum
The Easter Triduum is the period of three days that begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on the evening of Maundy Thursday (the vigil of Good Friday) and ends with evening prayer on Easter Sunday. It recalls the passion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, as portrayed in the canonical Gospels.
After the Gloria in Excelsis Deo at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper all church bells are silenced and the organ is not used. The period that lasted from Thursday morning to before Easter Sunday began was once, in Anglo-Saxon times, referred to as “the still days”.
These are the Most Holy days in our Catholic tradition. We encourage all families to make an effort to be with us on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and either Holy Thursday Vigil or Easter Sunday morning. No 7:00 PM Mass will be celebrated on Easter Sunday!