Homily – Feast of the Transfiguration

Just to let you know, midway through the Gloria, I remembered James’s name.

So the stroke was a little premature, but there is a popular expression right now that I truly find interesting, and that expression very often is heard when anyone walks into a major department store.

If you walk in the wrong entrance and by the wrong entrance, I mean the one by the women’s perfume counter, there is someone there to spray you automatically.

The atomizer is are out and they ask, Do you want to make over?

Make over? Now, most people that I asked to say they do not like change.

So let me ask the question. How many of us in the community this morning like change?

Now the good Catholic reply is, Well, it depends.

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Homily – 17th Sunday Ordinary Time

Good morning once again, everyone.

Like I said, great joy to be with you always back in town.

This is my last weekend here for a little while, so I appreciate the warm welcome.

I also want to thank Francis for finding in one of the closets back here this new, well it’s old actually, sprinkling utensil.

I don’t know what you even call that thing.

[Francis: It’s an “aspergillum”.]

Yeah, it looks like some type of, like, witch’s broom or something, Right.

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Homily – 16th Sunday Ordinary Time

Well, good morning, everyone.

We are really blessed today to have a holy trinity of baptisms today, three in a row.

And first off, it’s great to see so many people sitting in the first pews of a Catholic Church, and not to make people sit up here, so it’s great to see it up here. But for those of you who are joining from wherever you come from, you’re most welcome here.

I’m very excited about what we’re doing here today because whenever we see children, it gets us right to the heart of the gospel.

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Homily – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Good morning once again, everyone. As I said, it’s great to be back. No place like home. Walking into the sacristy, I saw Alicia. She did our readings today. I know Alicia Washington. She’s amazing. And she says to me, “You know, Father John, this is my favorite parable, so you better not mess it up. I’m expecting a really good homily.” Right, there is truly no place like home, So thank you for that warm welcome.

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Homily – 12th Sunday Ordinary Time (Fr. Smith)

That nothing is concealed that will not be revealed and that every hair on my head is counted is a bit creepy. We live in a time when privacy is being eroded. We see the very accurate reconnaissance of drones from the war in Ukraine nightly and know that we are being watched and filmed in most public spaces in New York daily. Today’s passage from St. Matthew may begin with “Be not afraid”, but a fair question would be, “Is the kingdom of God the ultimate surveillance state and is this not scary?”

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