Homily – Mary, Mother of God

What I am about to tell you is going to absolute shock you. I know, I know. Well, it’s really not all that shocking, but I thought I’d just start that way. I have been told on more than one occasion that I have attitude. Can you believe that? Me? I am sweetness and light. However, I have been told that I have had attitude and I’m not going to say that it was Phil Murray who has told me this.

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Homily – 4th Sunday of Advent

When I was teaching at St John’s University, I was always struck by the generosity of many of the students who would volunteer countless hours doing one of two things either working for Habitat for Humanity.

So literally building houses for people or volunteering to do what’s called the midnight run, namely from about 10 to 2 in the morning. They’re literally on the streets in areas where the homeless are giving out blankets, pillows, food, coffee, counseling was available and it was all volunteer and they would spend countless hours volunteering their time. And so into days, first reading, the Prophet is asked to ask a David, will you build a house for me?

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Homily – 3rd Sunday of Advent

So we have some young disciples of the Lord here, our younger disciples. Are you waiting patiently for Santa Claus? Yes. Who’s ready for Santa Claus to come today? Shaking up old people? Put your hands down for the younger ones. But now it’s very interest sitting. How good are we at waiting? Who’s really patient? Really? This is sad. I thought at least one of you would be patient. Thank you. Because it’s very interesting. During the season of Advent, we heard Saint Paul today say, rejoice, be happy, rejoice again.

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Homily – Pastor Installation Mass

Decree for the faithful. Welfare of the people of God. I hereby appoint you, Very Reverend Joseph R. Gibino, Pastor of Saint Charles Borromeo Roman Catholic Church. Brooklyn, New York. I entrust to you the full pastoral care of the people of this parish with all the jurisdictions, obligations and rights attached to this office by the general law of the Church, as well as particular legislation of the Diocese of Brooklyn.

The appointment became effective on June 30th, 2023. My representative, most Reverend Bishop Vito, will preside at the ceremony of installation on Sunday, December 10th, 2023. In accordance to the decree of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, dated September 24th, 1984, and confirmed by the Apostolic See. This appointment is made for the period of six years. I exhort you to carry out this priestly service with zeal and dedication under the authority of the Diocese of Brooklyn, in whose Ministry of Christ you have been called to share.

Faithful to the Gospel and its spirit fulfill the duties of teaching, sanctifying and governing with the cooperation of your pastoral staff and the assistance of the lay members of the Church faithful. May God the Father grant you the grace and health to carry out this priestly service in the name of in the name and Power of Christ. Robert J. Brennan, Bishop of Brooklyn.

My dear friends, because I am aware of your pastoral needs and I am confident of his qualifications for the office of Pastor. I now commend Father Gibino to you as your your new pastor.

And well, this is a very special morning, isn’t it? What a great gift to be here. My name is Deacon Kevin McCormick and the superintendent of schools for the Brooklyn Diocese. And a good friend to Father Joseph, who’s been a friend and a mentor since I took this job. There’s much to celebrate here today. We celebrate a great man who’s now your pastor.

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Homily – 2nd Sunday of Advent

How many of us like to use public transportation? Bait Subway Guy love the subway. And that means I have to walk to the subway now. Walking around the neighborhood. I’ve noticed something. So you have to tell me if I’m correct or incorrect and whether or not you are one of these people. So waiting for a red light. I have noticed that pedestrians don’t wait on the sidewalk.

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