Homily – 30th Sunday Ordinary Time – Msgr. LoPinto

Once more this Sunday, as we continue with the excerpts from the Gospel of Matthew, we see that they come to Jesus for the purpose of testing him. They are attempting to find fault in him. They are attempting to find that by which they might discredit him within the community, both the community of occupation, as well as the community of those of the tradition.

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Homily – 30th Sunday Ordinary Time

I just need to get a quick survey. Where are the lawyers in the room I’ve got Where are the lawyers? So you only have two lawyers and the only two lawyers.

Okay. Because I have a question now, what do the words law and love have to do with each other? So if I may quote the wonderful Tina Turner, What’s love got to do with it? Got to do with it. What’s love? But a second hand emotion? Well, whenever you put the law and love together in a congregation where there may be more than two lawyers, but only two who will self-identify, you can run into problems.

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Homily – 26th Sunday Ordinary Time

As a matter of curiosity, how many got caught in the Atlantic County? Did anybody get caught in the Atlantic Antic? Georgia, you got caught. Just curious. When I was growing up and a lad in a Catholic school, we had as one of our teachers, Sister Ruth Murray, the sister Ruth Marie was about that tall, but she was a force of nature.

How many of us had religious women who were this tall and were forces of nature? It is a very Catholic experience. It really in. And Sister Ruth Marie was noted for her expressions. So, for example, she would always say to us, Just tell me the truth. If you tell me the truth, you won’t be in as much trouble.

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