Now, I need everyone this morning to do a look back. For some of you, that look back will be shorter than it is for others of us. But the look back is to when we were young and we had aunts and uncles. Does everyone have an aunt and uncle somewhere? Do you have a crazy aunt or uncle? The one that was sort of embarrassing.
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Homily – 4th Sunday of Easter
So today we celebrate a trifecta. We continue the Easter season. We celebrate the Sunday of the Good Shepherd, and we are preparing for our Earth Day celebrations. Now, all of these lead us to ask ourselves a question. Now, the answer will be very different depending on each and every one of our worldviews. The question is this: is there any such thing as rehabilitation?
Continue reading “Homily – 4th Sunday of Easter”Homily – 3rd Sunday of Easter
The other day I was waiting on the subway. I was sitting there reading my book, minding my own business, not making eye contact with anyone. Very well behaved. When, a later middle aged woman came, sat down next to me and said, hello, Father. How are you? And I looked at her. Clearly she recognized me. No clue who she was.
Continue reading “Homily – 3rd Sunday of Easter”Homily – 5th Sunday of Lent
How many of us drive cars? Show of hands, please. Who drives? And you willingly drive in Brooklyn? Interesting. Now, when we are driving, how many of us have come to complete rely on our Waze or on our GPSes to get us anywhere? Who now completely relies on somebody else guiding our journey? Me. Know how many of us this morning are always on time? Who is always on time? Who is sometimes on time. Who is never on time. Ah. See, there’s a little bit of everything. Well, what does driving the car, G.P.S. and being on time, what do they have to do with each other?
Continue reading “Homily – 5th Sunday of Lent”Homily – 4th Sunday in Lent
Msgr. LoPinto:
Jesus begins this conversation with Nicodemus, making reference to an experience of the people as they journey through the desert. They were very distrustful of God and they complained to Moses about the fact that they were missing some of the enjoyments that they had in Egypt.
Continue reading “Homily – 4th Sunday in Lent”Homily – 3rd Sunday of Lent
How many of us remember the date of our first Holy Communion? Show of hands? If you remember the date of your first Holy Communion gave you, mine was March 8th.
Continue reading “Homily – 3rd Sunday of Lent”Homily – 2nd Sunday of Lent
So I need you all to think back to when you were little. By little, I mean young. For some of us, that means we have to go back last century. But it’s okay. So go back to when we were young, when we were a child. Wasn’t life a lot easier when we were a child?
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