Homily – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Good morning, everyone. Can you hear me okay with this microphone? Does it sound all right or no? How about in the back? Yes. Now. Okay, I’m getting mostly thumbs up, so I’ll go with that. All right, great. So it’s great to be back in Brooklyn Heights. I’m Father John, for those who might forgot who I was or meet me for the first time, I teach out in San Francisco.

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Homily – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

The selection of today’s Gospel is from the early part of John’s gospel, and it begins with two disciples who were walking with John the Baptist, and John the Baptist sees Jesus walking and he points to him and he says, Behold the LAMB of God.

Now, one might wonder, why would he use that phrase? Well, I think part of it is understanding the gospel of John. The Gospel of John is written probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 to 110 A.D. But John writes something before that, which is of critical importance in being able to understand John’s gospel, and that is the Book of Revelation, which is a vision that John has as he’s on one of the islands, the island of Patmos.

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Homily – Epiphany

The celebration of the Epiphany is really all about traditions. We have different traditions that we celebrate today. So in many cultures, today would be Three Kings Day, really the day of gift giving. But on this day, the church also announces for us the feasts that are approaching. And so listen attentively. Know my dearest brothers and sisters by the gift of God’s mercy, as we have rejoiced at the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Homily – Mary, Mother of God

What I am about to tell you is going to absolute shock you. I know, I know. Well, it’s really not all that shocking, but I thought I’d just start that way. I have been told on more than one occasion that I have attitude. Can you believe that? Me? I am sweetness and light. However, I have been told that I have had attitude and I’m not going to say that it was Phil Murray who has told me this.

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Homily – 4th Sunday of Advent

When I was teaching at St John’s University, I was always struck by the generosity of many of the students who would volunteer countless hours doing one of two things either working for Habitat for Humanity.

So literally building houses for people or volunteering to do what’s called the midnight run, namely from about 10 to 2 in the morning. They’re literally on the streets in areas where the homeless are giving out blankets, pillows, food, coffee, counseling was available and it was all volunteer and they would spend countless hours volunteering their time. And so into days, first reading, the Prophet is asked to ask a David, will you build a house for me?

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