3rd Sunday of Easter – Fr. Gribowich Homily

Good afternoon, everyone – I think it’s past, no it’s not past noon yet, right? That’s good morning everyone, and it’s great to be, of course, here with you again. Hopefully you can hear us all right. I know that this still gets a little complicated when we’re trying to balance moving so many different moving parts here, with the video and everything. But it’s great to be here with you, even though it’s virtual.

So today, we hear the great story of the discovery of Jesus on the way to Emmaus, and the story makes me think of a lot of things, but I think perhaps it particularly makes me think about coming from Pennsylvania, actually from Allentown. There’s a town close by called Emmaus, and of course the town is used in light of the biblical reference, and so there’s different places that are kind of named after the biblical town. So for example, there’s a religious goods store and they call the store The Way to Emmaus, and then there is a store that sells running shoes and other types of things and they call it the Run-Inn, so I-N-N like the inn where Jesus stayed with these disciples, and whenever I’d like to go home to Allentown, I like to stop into Emmaus, because I do go to the Run-Inn because that’s where I’ll buy my running shoes and I’ve been doing it for years, because I was teaching at Central Catholic High School in Allentown for many, many years and working with the track team and the cross-country team, and we would always go there to buy our running shoes. So I still go there every now and then when I’m back home, and I like going there picking out my shoes and then right when I bring them up to the counter to pay for them I’ll just kind of slightly say oh you know I used to work for Central Catholic and then BOOM, that’s when the eyes open up and like oh you worked for Central, we’ll give you a discount and so it’s a nice little perk that we have. Well going to the Run-Inn, where you get a Central Catholic discount even though I’m not even working in there anymore. Continue reading “3rd Sunday of Easter – Fr. Gribowich Homily”

Divine Mercy Sunday – Msgr. LoPinto homily

John’s Gospel – which is the last of the Gospels written, at least that we have recognized – is unique in its presentation, in the sense that John is not so much detailing the events from Jesus’s life, as he is explaining the meaning of Jesus’s life and its impact on the world at large. And one of the places that I think you can go to find the best of what I would consider to be that presentation or that explanation is actually in the Last Supper.

As we know, John’s Gospel does not record the institution of the Eucharist as the other Synoptics do, but has two critical events: one, the washing of the feet of the disciples – that sense of service as the essential Ministry of Jesus. But then following that in Chapter 17 there is the explanation that Jesus gives, in what’s called the Last Discourse: the explanation of the events that will be taking place, as He in a sense tries to prepare the disciples for what will be occurring in the in the coming hours. And then He goes from the Last Discourse goes to priestly prayer – the great priestly prayer where he prays to the Father that all may be one.

I think that when you look at John’s Gospel, Chapter 17 is the best way to understand this particular selection of the gospel that’s presented to us on the second Sunday of Easter. Jesus in those last moments talks about mercy – the great mercy of God which will be manifested in the giving of the Spirit. And in the giving of the Spirit, all will be made one, in a sense.  [The] point being that through the gift of the Spirit, God will recreate the face of the earth. Continue reading “Divine Mercy Sunday – Msgr. LoPinto homily”

5th Sunday of Lent – Fr. Smith Homily

When I was growing up in Jackson Heights, many of my friends and neighbors were from India. They were slightly older and certainly more mature than I was, and I tried to keep up with them. Yet sometimes I did not understand what they were saying. They constantly used words like bowler – which I thought was a hat wicket – which I thought was a kind of small bush, and popping crease which totally mystified meI finally realized that they lived and breathe that most inscrutable sport, Cricket, and these were all technical terms. After I read an article from Encyclopedia Britannica – for younger people, this is what we had before Wikipedia – I could at least navigate the  conversation. 

This is the case with today’s Gospel passage. Unless we realize that everyone speaking about the resurrection is Pharisee we will be, at very least, very confused and possibly miss what Jesus is proclaiming.   Continue reading “5th Sunday of Lent – Fr. Smith Homily”

4th Sunday Lent – Fr. Gribowich Homily

Good morning, once again. I know this is so unusual for many of us to have to be experiencing that this way, so thank you for being patient with us and we’re learning as we go here, as well.

And of course I haven’t seen you in a long time – and I still don’t see you now –  so I can kind of empathize with the blind man that we hear in our gospel today. So to be back in Brooklyn, to be able to be part of the St. Charles community is always a very great blessing for me ,and to not actually have you in the same physical spaces, of course a very trying thing for me, and I’m sure it is for you, too.

So we are together, united through what may take place here at this Mass through the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ comes to us in three ways: of course, we experience the Body of Christ by meditating upon the body that was nailed to the cross and rose from the dead. Continue reading “4th Sunday Lent – Fr. Gribowich Homily”

4th Sunday of Lent – Addressing the Real Needs of Our Time

Samuel Anoints David, François Victor Eloi Biennourry, 1841, École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts.

Fourth Sunday of Lent
1 Samuel 16:1B, 6–7, 10–13a
March 22, 2020

The relationship between King Saul and the Prophet Samuel is one of the most interesting in the Old Testament. The tensions are always there, but the reasons are hidden under a veneer of piety. Its relevance to our present situation as a church may indeed be obscured for the same reason.

Our opening line this week says:

The LORD said to Samuel: “How long will you grieve for Saul,
whom I have rejected as king of Israel?
Fill your horn with oil, and be on your way.
I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem,
for I have chosen my king from among his sons.”
(1 Samuel 16:1)

It may seem that Samuel was fond of Saul as the LORD asks him how long will he grieve for him. Yet in the next verse (Sa. 2a), Samuel tells the Lord: “How can I go? Saul will hear of it and kill me. With friends like this who needs enemies?” Continue reading “4th Sunday of Lent – Addressing the Real Needs of Our Time”

3rd Sunday of Lent – Fr. Smith’s Homily

Christ and the Woman of Samaria, Rembrandt and student, c. 1655 (Met. Museum of Art, New York)

(The text of today’s Gospel, John 4:5–26, 39–42, can be found online).

The disciples were no doubt asking why they were in Samaria. Geographically Samaria is between Galilee to the north and Judea (Jerusalem) to the south. Obviously, it was easier to travel directly through it to get from Galilee to Judea but the Judeans (Jews of Judea and Galilee) and the Samaritans hated each other so much that it was a dangerous journey. This was a consequence of a centuries-old Assyrian colonization plan. After the death of King Solomon, the Kingdom of David split into the Kingdom of  Israel in the North and Judea to the South. The Assyrians destroyed the Northern Kingdom in 722 BC. Their policy was to replace a significant percentage of native people with immigrants from other nations. They would intermarry and be more dependent on Assyria than the memory of what was there before. These foreigners adopted many Israelite customs but were never accepted by the Judeans (Jews) and there was always conflict between them. Although their religious practices were quite similar, the major issue was where sacrifice was to occur: for the Samaritans: Mt Gerizim; for the Jews: Mt Zion. To inflame things even further, the Jewish King John Hyrcanus destroyed the Samaritan temple in 129B C. So now the disciples find themselves in enemy territory in the heat of the day with no food. Continue reading “3rd Sunday of Lent – Fr. Smith’s Homily”

2nd Sunday Lent – Fr. Smith Homily

The scripture readings for Lenten Masses are well chosen and effective. They are listed in the parish bulletin and I suggest that you read them beforehand. This is a wonderful way to enrich your experience of MassThe prayers, however, are also beautiful and can teach us a great deal. Today in the Preface of the Eucharistic Prayer, that is the prayer said immediately before the Holy, Holy, Holy, we will hear: ‘for after he had told his disciples of his coming death, on the holy mountain he manifested himself to them in his glory… to show that the Passion leads to the glory of the Resurrection”. This refers to the passage before todays selection. They are connected by a common theme, the same characters but also by the experience of fear. Let us look at the last item. 

We come upon Jesus and the disciples at a rather frustrating time for Jesus.  He has been preaching to large crowds, but they have failed to understand his message. This is understandable. I doubt I would have understood Him in their place. Jesus was self-consciously fulfilling all the requirements of the Messiah but in completely unexpected and for most people incomprehensible ways. It is therefore remarkable that when he asked the disciples who they thought He was Peter, always the spokesman, responded “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” Jesus recognized that this insight came from the Father and told his disciples that he “must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised. (Mt 16: 21)   Continue reading “2nd Sunday Lent – Fr. Smith Homily”