18th Sunday Ordinary Time – Fr. Smith Homily

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-730437.


Whenever St Matthew makes a reference to a previous event, he is telling us to take it very seriously. He begins today with “when Jesus heard of it”. The it was the section immediately preceding this one usually called the martyrdom of St John the Baptist. Yet Matthew will emphasize the dinner at which it occurred and as we prepare for the next stage in our lives as Christians in general and members of St Charles Borromeo church in particular so should we.  

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17th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)



With today’s parables, we come to the end of that section of Matthew where he has his presentation of the parables of Jesus. And all of those parables basically are related to the Kingdom of God. You’ll see that even more focused today in the parables that are presented. 

But I would suggest to you that Jesus is talking more than just about the kingdom of God, the magnificence of the Kingdom – how precious it is, how radiant it is, how wonderful it is – but he is actually talking about the life of a disciple. 

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16th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)

The Holy Spirit cast a wide net in choosing the human authors of the New Testament. Last year, we read the Gospel of St Luke at Sunday Mass. Although he may have traveled with St Paul for some time, he was basically an historian and wrote accordingly. Paul himself who we read today and indeed many Sundays of the year, was a missionary and his writings reflect these concerns. Matthew who is the Evangelist for this year’s readings in Ordinary Time is a Pastor and, in many ways, the most appropriate guide for this time and place.  

He was the leader or at least a leader in a divided community in the first century middle east. The founding members of it were born Jews but in time Gentiles entered the community. There were tensions. All accepted Jesus as the means to salvation but some wanted to keep more Jewish attitudes and customs than others. As these are human beings there were no doubt other conflicts. The founders vs the newer members of the community and the rich vs the poor to name just two.  Matthew acknowledges these divisions and his first and most important responsibility is to bring the people together. 

This is a common theme in his Gospel, and we see it plainly today.  

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15th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)


We come to this 15th year [Sunday] in ordinary time. We listen to 3 very powerful scripture passages: one from Isaiah – and a very interesting one from Isaiah, because it factually passage at the end of the second book of Isaiah, just before the people are returning from exile. The reading from Romans began as great, for it speaks about the growing of all creation as it awaits the final resolution of God in regard to human history – all of history. Continue reading “15th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)”

14th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Gribowich)

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-730437.

Transcript: (apologies for audio issues)

Good morning, everyone! It’s so such a great blessing to be back here physically in the church. I know it’s still kind of awkward – I have to just be looking in one direction it seems like at this mass, as this side has been quarantined off, except for Monsignor – so thank you for holding the fort down on that side of the church.

And as well a very warm welcome to all the brothers and sisters at St. Augustine, St. Francis Xavier, anyone else you may be zooming in to this Mass. So as you know, we’re going to be doing this hybrid type of model for some time where we are able to gather in person, but we’ll be continuing to be able to Zoom the Mass as well. So once you are feeling comfortable to return, you can return, but until that time, you can also just be able to continue to zoom into the Mass. Continue reading “14th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Gribowich)”

13th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)


Permission to reprint/podcast/stream the music in this service
obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-730437. All rights reserved.


In Matthew’s Gospel it is very important to know to whom Jesus is speaking. Today’s gospel is addressed to the apostles. The word apostle was used very loosely in the New Testament and indeed early Christian writings in general. This was before HR departments and “realistic job previews”. For Matthew, an apostle is “one who is sent” a rather literal translation of the word in Greek. He is vague however as to whom the word applies but I think it is a personal invitation to you.

Today we read the last verses of Chapter 10 of Matthew’s gospel. Chapter 10 is often called the “Missionary discourse”. In it Jesus tells those whom he will send, what gifts he will give to them and what is expected of them. Continue reading “13th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)”

12th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)


It struck me at the beginning that we are observing the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Yet reality is that there’s nothing ordinary about the time. I’m not sure there ever is anything ordinary about the time – in the sense of if not all time has a character of being extraordinary – in the sense that we’re always dealing with the unexpected, with the surprises that God places in our way.

And certainly the idea of God surprising us is very much a part of the scripture for this 12th Sunday. The first reading – Jeremiah. Jeremiah – who has been anointed by God to deliver God’s word to the people – is constantly surprised by the reaction he gets: a reaction that basically puts him ever at risk. He’s imprisoned. There are those who would try to kill him. He must tell the people about in a sense trusting in God by placing themselves in God’s hands as they are led off into captivity. And so, in a sense, he is a person who must deal with fear – the fear for his own personal life, but he’s only able to deal with that because he has encountered the Lord. And because he has encountered the Lord, he trusts.  And he trusts that even though he doesn’t understand – he can’t comprehend, for the most part, God’s plan. He’s able to trust – he’s able to trust, because in his own way, he has come to know God. Continue reading “12th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)”