25th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)

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Today’s scripture has two, I think, insights into the Gospel. By way of insights, you also is encouraging us in our reflection today on Catechetical Sunday, the Sunday when traditionally we would begin all the religious education programs that would take place both for the young, as well as for those beginning in the RCIA programs, catechetical programs for those who would be interested in both entering the Church, as well as those who would be interested in completing their sacraments of initiation.

But this year is different, as all things are different this year. And so while we will reflect on Catechetical Sunday, we will also offer a blessing for all the catechists at the end of the Prayer of the Faithful, and will pray that we can all learn better to use the technology that’s available to us, because that will be the process that we will be using here at Saint Charles – as Father Smith has shared with me – that’ll be the process that we’ll be using for the religious education of the young.

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24th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)

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St. Matthew was a pastor. He is writing his gospel to a community in which he himself is a leader. I have found him a great support and inspiration since I became a pastor myself but never more than now. His whole gospel has great relevance for parish leadership especially the 18th chapter which we proclaim today. Reading it urges me to act differently for the near future and I hope that you will feel the same.

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23rd Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)

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The selection of the Gospel today comes from a section of Matthew that is referred to as the fourth of the great sermons, and it is about church order. And at the heart of what Matthew is presenting is that the church order is build not on cutting anyone out, but it is built on reconciliation, and the heart of reconciliation is the ministry of love. 

But if you look at the two readings – the first reading by the prophet Ezekiel, and the second, the gospel we heard, the gospel of Matthew – we find that there is a certain starkness to it. The first reading, Ezekiel, is made responsible for the behavior of others. In the third reading, there is the sense that if the person doesn’t listen after efforts have been made to make that person aware of the need for reconciliation, they should be then cut off.

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22nd Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)

This is not the Gospel reading I would have chosen for a first communion. Satan, Cross and losing one’s life are not the topics that first come to mind on what is truly one of the most joyous day for any parish. Yet if we step back and see how these fits into St Matthews Gospel it is very joyous indeed and given the pandemic hopeful as well. I will first speak to the adults and then Anya and Evie making a comment to myself along the way.

This tense dialogue with Peter comes after a much more pleasant one a few paragraphs before. Jesus asks Peter who he thinks he is and Peter answers “The Messiah”. Jesus is so pleased with this answer that he blesses Peter and tells him that God himself has revealed this to him. He then informs Peter that he will be the rock on which he will build his church and gives him great authority over who will be part of it.

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21st Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)

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This particular scene that is recorded in Matthew – as well as the other Synoptics – is a very important one, because it really is a point where the beginning of transition takes place in the gospel. Jesus, in the prior episodes recorded by Matthew, has fed the 5,000, has walked on the sea, has fed the 4,000, and so there is this culmination of activity by which Jesus has been manifesting his identity.

And now he asks the disciples – and particularly we’re focused here on the Twelve – Jesus asked them who do the people say that I am? What have you been hearing from the people? As we have gone through these different experiences, and the response that comes back is some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, some Jeremiah or one of the prophets, or they’re kind of pulling together all the they have heard in the murmuring of the people as they have experienced these different events.

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20th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)

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The Jesus who we see in today’s gospel is disconcerting. His treatment of the Canaanite woman seems dismissive and condescending. Is this the good shepherd? Yes, it is, but here he is speaking and more to the point acting as a prophet. The Jews who first heard and observed him would have understood immediately as would the members of Matthew’s community who were born Jews. Those born gentile and indeed we ourselves may need some background to understand what Jesus is saying and doing and how it affects us. 

As on only child I bring a particularly valuable perspective to this passage because it has to do with being chosen. Only children are chosen. We are the center of the universe for our parents who must be particularly careful that we do not think that we are the center of the universe for anyone else. Otherwise the singleton can easily become an insufferable prig. This was the case with the Jewish people. They were chosen by God and he both lavished his unconditioned love on them but also needed to show “tough love” lest they forget that they were missionaries to the Nations. They were called indeed created and formed to make the presence of God known beyond their tribes or nation. 

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19th Sunday Ordinary Time – Msgr. LoPinto Homily

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I think to be able to come to grips with the Gospel selection of today, it is important to connect it with the Gospel of last week, when we saw Jesus feed the thousands with the five loaves and the two fish. If you remember that story, the disciples come to him and tell Jesus to let the people go home because they’re concerned that there isn’t food for them and there are no places in that vicinity where they will be able to buy food.

Jesus says to them, well tell me what you have. And they say all we have are five loaves of bread and two fish – what good will that do with all these people? Remember the number that’s given us is five thousand plus the women and children.

And Jesus simply says to them, bring me what you have. And he blesses it, breaks it, and gives it to them to distribute. And all of the people are fed, and there are 12 baskets left over.

The story picks up here. Jesus says to the disciples that they should get in the boat and they should go to the other side and he’ll meet them there. And then he dismisses the crowd and he goes off to pray on the mountain alone.

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