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Today’s scripture has two, I think, insights into the Gospel. By way of insights, you also is encouraging us in our reflection today on Catechetical Sunday, the Sunday when traditionally we would begin all the religious education programs that would take place both for the young, as well as for those beginning in the RCIA programs, catechetical programs for those who would be interested in both entering the Church, as well as those who would be interested in completing their sacraments of initiation.
But this year is different, as all things are different this year. And so while we will reflect on Catechetical Sunday, we will also offer a blessing for all the catechists at the end of the Prayer of the Faithful, and will pray that we can all learn better to use the technology that’s available to us, because that will be the process that we will be using here at Saint Charles – as Father Smith has shared with me – that’ll be the process that we’ll be using for the religious education of the young.
Continue reading “25th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)”