14th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Gribowich)

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Transcript: (apologies for audio issues)

Good morning, everyone! It’s so such a great blessing to be back here physically in the church. I know it’s still kind of awkward – I have to just be looking in one direction it seems like at this mass, as this side has been quarantined off, except for Monsignor – so thank you for holding the fort down on that side of the church.

And as well a very warm welcome to all the brothers and sisters at St. Augustine, St. Francis Xavier, anyone else you may be zooming in to this Mass. So as you know, we’re going to be doing this hybrid type of model for some time where we are able to gather in person, but we’ll be continuing to be able to Zoom the Mass as well. So once you are feeling comfortable to return, you can return, but until that time, you can also just be able to continue to zoom into the Mass. Continue reading “14th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Gribowich)”

13th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)


Permission to reprint/podcast/stream the music in this service
obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-730437. All rights reserved.


In Matthew’s Gospel it is very important to know to whom Jesus is speaking. Today’s gospel is addressed to the apostles. The word apostle was used very loosely in the New Testament and indeed early Christian writings in general. This was before HR departments and “realistic job previews”. For Matthew, an apostle is “one who is sent” a rather literal translation of the word in Greek. He is vague however as to whom the word applies but I think it is a personal invitation to you.

Today we read the last verses of Chapter 10 of Matthew’s gospel. Chapter 10 is often called the “Missionary discourse”. In it Jesus tells those whom he will send, what gifts he will give to them and what is expected of them. Continue reading “13th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)”

12th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)


It struck me at the beginning that we are observing the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Yet reality is that there’s nothing ordinary about the time. I’m not sure there ever is anything ordinary about the time – in the sense of if not all time has a character of being extraordinary – in the sense that we’re always dealing with the unexpected, with the surprises that God places in our way.

And certainly the idea of God surprising us is very much a part of the scripture for this 12th Sunday. The first reading – Jeremiah. Jeremiah – who has been anointed by God to deliver God’s word to the people – is constantly surprised by the reaction he gets: a reaction that basically puts him ever at risk. He’s imprisoned. There are those who would try to kill him. He must tell the people about in a sense trusting in God by placing themselves in God’s hands as they are led off into captivity. And so, in a sense, he is a person who must deal with fear – the fear for his own personal life, but he’s only able to deal with that because he has encountered the Lord. And because he has encountered the Lord, he trusts.  And he trusts that even though he doesn’t understand – he can’t comprehend, for the most part, God’s plan. He’s able to trust – he’s able to trust, because in his own way, he has come to know God. Continue reading “12th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)”

Corpus Christi – Homily (Fr. Gribowich)

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-730437.


Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the rectory of St. Charles Borromeo, especially to our brothers and sisters at St. Augustine and St. Francis Xavier. As many you may know by now, I was appointed the administrator to these two great parishes in Park Slope, and so until we actually are able to meet in person, perhaps it’s a great opportunity for all of us to get to know each other virtually by logging on to the Zoom here that we have at St. Charles Borromeo where I live. It’s interesting too, for those who may be unfamiliar with Zoom, you’ll quickly find out that your favorite button on there being Mute, so when there’s things going on where you are – they’re making a lot of noise, make sure you Mute yourself. And if you’re the type of person who maybe just rolled out of bed,  then the Video button also is another great button to turn that off. So the Mute and the Video buttons are important buttons to get comfortable with as we go through this age of having Zoom masses. Continue reading “Corpus Christi – Homily (Fr. Gribowich)”

Most Holy Trinity – Homily (Fr. Smith)

How strong is love? Let us make it personal “How much do any one of us make decisions because of love”. Do we think that love is nice but real-world decisions are based on how much we will make or how we can appease or use the prevailing social and political powers? Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity. This is God’s answer to this question, and it comes none too soon. Continue reading “Most Holy Trinity – Homily (Fr. Smith)”

Pentecost Sunday – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)


Brothers and sisters, we come together on this the feast of Pentecost, and come in a rather unique way, as we have been doing now for approximately 11 weeks as we have been living through the COVID-19 crisis. And as we come to the scripture today, it’s very interesting, because you have two presentations of the gift of the Spirit: you have from Luke his recording of the event of Pentecost, and then you have from John his recording of the sending of the Spirit – the giving of the Spirit – to the disciples on the night of the Resurrection.

And you might ask yourself, why two different versions? Well, I think what it points to is that at the heart of the Church is diversity. And diversity is probably the most challenging aspect of all.

It struck me that that diversity is captured in the responsorial Psalm, “Lord, send out your spirit and renew the face of the earth.” When you think about it, it’s a strange prayer because in a sense you want to say, but what’s being renewed?

We look at the earth and its history. I don’t think any one of us would want to renew any part of it, huh, because it’s often so filled with bloodletting, with struggle. There have been isolated moments, but for the most part the history is not something that you would want to renew. Who would want to renew World War 2, or who would want to renew the Depression, or who would want to renew the Civil War, or the religious wars of the mid-centuries?

So you say, well what is he saying? Lord send your spirit and renew the face of the earth. And yet, what is very evident from the two accounts of the giving of the Spirit is that both accounts talk about that which is new. They talked about in the first, you talk about the newness of going forth with the Gospel – not you have to do it my way, but going forth in a way that reaches out to all, where they are, in their own customs and in their own traditions, in their own languages.

Something new, because up to that point – and perhaps even to today – one of the great flaws of human life is tribalism. You have to be my way; if you’re not my way, you don’t have any place, you don’t belong. And we see that even in the Church, certainly that’s one of the struggles that Pope Francis is continually addressing, recognizing that there is more than one way.

And then if you come to the second version – the version from John – what you have is fear, there hiding in the Upper Room and the Spirit frees them. And it frees them to go out and to do the work of the Spirit, to do the work of the Lord. Reconcile. Reconcile. Reconcile. And in a sense, reconciling is about renewing the face of the earth. For what is it that God wants us to renew? God wants us to renew that which God created: harmony of the Garden, the oneness between the human and God, and between the human and nature.

It’s interesting, but that Laudato Si’ was issued on Pentecost Sunday five years ago, because again it’s that recognition that renewing the earth is not by our design, but it’s by God’s design, in which we are putting ourselves at service, in the service of God.

So as we come to the gift of the Spirit, we come to ask the Spirit, the Spirit of God who so takes over our hearts and minds, that the work of God becomes our work, and that we may go forward, bringing to fulfillment this great phrase: send your Spirit, Lord, and renew the face of the earth.

7th Sunday of Easter – Homily (Fr. Gribowich)

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-730437.


Morning, everyone! It’s so great to be with you all again here today on such a beautiful Sunday. I think that today is this special day where we can really appreciate the beauty of creation – something I want to touch upon, especially as we reflect upon our readings today.

You know, I’m sure many of us have been able to spend a lot of time in our apartments and our homes catching up on different movies that maybe we wanted to watch, or TV shows. And one movie that I had every intention of watching but I just never got around to was the one called A Hidden Life and it came out last December, I believe in the movie theaters. And I know that some people here at the parish actually have seen it, and they had a very favorable impression of it. But for those you may not know what the movie’s about. It’s a true story of a man named Franz Jägerstätter, who was an Austrian during World War 2 who refused to swear an oath – pledge an oath of loyalty – to Hitler, and because of that, he was essentially persecuted, but then eventually executed. Continue reading “7th Sunday of Easter – Homily (Fr. Gribowich)”