The Sunday Mass readings after Easter challenge us prove that we know that new life is given to us through Jesus’ resurrection. This newness should be seen not only in our personal lives and within the confines of our Church but in the world around us. The recent nationwide discussion on abortion has shown how little effect the resurrection has had, although not perhaps for the reason we might think.
Jesus has given us the commandment to love one another. This sounds warm and comforting until we read the next sentence;” As I have loved you, you should love one another”. This makes this a new commandment. He is telling his disciples this in the upper room at the last supper. He has just washed his disciples’ feet, a sign of unimaginable humility. As we read last week with the good shepherd, he has told us that putting the needs of others ahead of our own is so important that it may require giving up our lives. This he, God himself, will do after he leaves the room and goes to his death. The new commandment is to love like Jesus, to assume sacrifice and suffering for the good of others.
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