Homily – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Good morning once again, everyone. As I said, it’s great to be back. No place like home. Walking into the sacristy, I saw Alicia. She did our readings today. I know Alicia Washington. She’s amazing. And she says to me, “You know, Father John, this is my favorite parable, so you better not mess it up. I’m expecting a really good homily.” Right, there is truly no place like home, So thank you for that warm welcome.

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Homily – 12th Sunday Ordinary Time (Fr. Smith)

That nothing is concealed that will not be revealed and that every hair on my head is counted is a bit creepy. We live in a time when privacy is being eroded. We see the very accurate reconnaissance of drones from the war in Ukraine nightly and know that we are being watched and filmed in most public spaces in New York daily. Today’s passage from St. Matthew may begin with “Be not afraid”, but a fair question would be, “Is the kingdom of God the ultimate surveillance state and is this not scary?”

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Homily – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Smith)

Some stories are so good that it is hard to believe that they are true, and I must admit that I heard the story that I will tell today secondhand. It was however from my spiritual director who heard it from the young priest in question and if you can’t trust a lawyer who can you trust?

On the day of his ordination, a newly ordained priest met an older priest whom he had never seen before and never saw again who said to him “Today you have given your life to Christ, don’t spend the rest of it taking it back”.

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Homily – 7th Sunday of Easter – Fr. Smith

I grew up in a majority Catholic neighborhood with a vibrant Jewish minority. Recently, I met a Jewish friend from those days on a street in Manhattan. She was with a co-worker about our age. When her companion asked how we knew each other my friend said that we grew up in Blessed Sacrament parish. We all immediately laughed. The Catholic community in New York was once so strong that our parishes formed our lives and defined our neighborhoods. There is much that was wonderful about this, but we should not be overly nostalgic or sentimental, other parts were not so wonderful. St John today will help us identify and build on the good parts.

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