Grix Quintet


The Grix Quintet on Saturday, Dec. 15 performed a selection of holiday favorites as well as works by Bach, Handel, and Gabrieli. The exuberant performance was followed by a reception featuring foods and desserts brought by parishioners. This was the third in the parish’s Fall Concert Series.

Members of the Quintet will be performing the horn section at the Midnight Mass this Monday night.

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Parish Survey

Today we will be asking you to participate in a survey to help us understand who is attending SCB and provide us with timely and updated information. Today’s survey is geared towards the demographic profile of the congregation. We will compare this with the survey from two years ago to help Farther and the Pastoral Council plan for the future.

This is the first or two planned surveys. The next one, coming soon, will be asking you to rate the various ministries and activities we offer.

You can take the survey online at this link here. This survey is anonymous. We will share the results once the tabulations are completed. Thank you and we appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey.

Catholic Charities Sandy Relief

Clothing and the items on this list are being accepted at 191 Joralemon Street. Non-perishable food and cash donations are accepted at the Rectory.

A second collection will be taken up at the Masses this Sunday for Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens. You can also contribute online directly here.

For more details about what is being done, see the Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens Hurricane Sandy page.

If you or someone you know needs assistance, please contact them at 718-722-6001 or visit

October 2012 Baptisms Set New Record

On October 28, 12 new members were welcomed into our community in Baptism. This was the largest number of baptisms ever held at St. Charles at one time: according to Fr. Ed, the previous record was 11 in the late 1800’s. Congratulations and blessings for them, their families and their new godparents. All photos by Guy Noe.

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Fall Concert Series

Saturday, November 3 at 7:00 pm.
Features a voice recital by Lloyd Arriola and lyric tenor Ulises Solano, cantor at St. Charles, featuring works of classical and popular music.

Saturday, December 15 at 7:00 p.m.
Features a Brass Quintet. The program will include classical baroque pieces as well as holiday music and will be followed by a reception.

Tickets for the Nov. 3rd performance will be sold after all Masses today, Sunday, October 21 and on Sunday, October 28. Tickets for the concert are $10 and will also be sold at the door on the day of the concert.