Advocates for Accessibility

St. Charles Borromeo Church works to express our Catholic faith through building a diverse community which bears witness to the power of God’s love. Inclusion is central to this, and individuals with disabilities are invited to fully share in the rich sacramental life of the parish. St. Charles Borromeo Church seeks to build upon these efforts and further celebrate the various gifts and abilities of its members. Our parish celebrated Inclusion Awareness Day on Sunday, October 14, 2012.

Two parishioners serve as Parish Advocates for Persons with Disabilities, and received training through Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens, Parish and Community Outreach and Services. These Advocates, Phil Murray and Ashleigh Thompson, liaise with Father Ed and Parish Pastoral Council to ensure that meaningful sacramental participation is available to all parishioners. Phil and Ashleigh are available to meet with parishioners with disabilities in person, over the phone or by email to explore ways that St. Charles Borromeo can better meet the needs of members and neighbors. Contact the rectory to schedule an appointment.
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Chin/de Csepel Wedding – May 5, 2012

Thanks to Kelly Chin and John de Csepel for sharing photos of their wedding at St. Charles on May 5th.

Have your wedding at St. Charles! Email [email protected] or talk with Fr. Ed after any Mass at least 6 months before your desired wedding date. 

If you or your family have been married or celebrated any other sacraments at St. Charles, we would welcome any photographs that you may have for posting on the website. Please email them to [email protected]

Diocesan Strategic Planning

As you are aware, the Diocese of Brooklyn over the last two years has been in the process of self-study to reconfigure its resources. This has included studying the pastoral and financial viability of all of its 192 parishes.  We are happy to report that thanks to your prayers, hard work, and support, no reconfiguration of the parish is needed and that St. Charles will continue to serve the Brooklyn Heights community into the future. Bishop DiMarzio has asked us to provide a strategic multi-year plan to continue to have balanced budgets and to attend to the deferred maintenance that the parish buildings require. Please see the attached letter from our Bishop by clicking on the link below.

Diocesan Letter to St Charles (PDF)