St. Paul’s School for Girls Choir Concert

On Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 4:30 PM, please join us for a concert featuring the choir from St. Paul’s School for Girls in London, England. The choir is comprised of girls between the ages of 13 and 17. The conert will feature a variety of music for treble chorus and instruments.  This will be their first concert on their tour of the East Coast.  St Paul’s has had several distinguished directors of music, most notably Gustav Holst (1905–34) and Herbert Howells (1936–62).

Rebuild Our Church Prayer Day Mon. 10/4

God called St Francis of Assisi to rebuild the Church!
We too are being called to rebuild our Church in the Diocese of Brooklyn. The Feast of Saint Francis, October 4, 2010, will be a Diocesan Day of Prayer for our Church, the People of God, in the Brooklyn Diocese. Please mark this date in your calendar and plan to be with us for a Mass and prayer service on Monday, October 4 at 8 p.m. The Church will also be open in the morning on that day to provide all a chance to pray for the reconfiguration of our Diocese.

Thanks to the Sisters of Saint Joseph

On Sunday, October 10th the 10:30 a.m. Mass will be offered in thanksgiving for the many Sisters of Saint Joseph who served our parish or lived in the convent of Saint Charles Borromeo. Our Parish Family was blessed to have these wonderful Sisters with us since 1963!
Please help us “spread the good news” about this opportunity to offer our thanks to the Sisters! A reception, with refreshments, will be held in the rectory after Mass.