Grix Quintet


The Grix Quintet on Saturday, Dec. 15 performed a selection of holiday favorites as well as works by Bach, Handel, and Gabrieli. The exuberant performance was followed by a reception featuring foods and desserts brought by parishioners. This was the third in the parish’s Fall Concert Series.

Members of the Quintet will be performing the horn section at the Midnight Mass this Monday night.

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October 2012 Baptisms Set New Record

On October 28, 12 new members were welcomed into our community in Baptism. This was the largest number of baptisms ever held at St. Charles at one time: according to Fr. Ed, the previous record was 11 in the late 1800’s. Congratulations and blessings for them, their families and their new godparents. All photos by Guy Noe.

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