Taize Prayer Mondays

Everyone is invited to join us on Monday evenings at 7:30 PM for Taize prayer. The candle lit service is held in the tradition of the Taize community in France and includes song, scripture readings and a time for meditation on the Word. Prayer services are in the main church from 7:30-8:00, no registration is necessary and drop ins are welcome!

Lenten Book Read

This Lenten season we’d like to do something as an entire faith community. Father Ed has purchased 500 copies of the book, The Four Signs of A Dynamic Catholic, by Matthew Kelly. We plan on reading a chapter a week and offering small group discussions to share and talk about how to increase faith in our lives, as well as ways to move us to action. Each week Father will also use themes from the book in his homily. Go take a book from the altar and join in. We’d love your participation.

Outreach Committee Canned Food Drive

St. John’s Bread & Life is the largest emergency food provider in Brooklyn, New York. Its impact is significant serving 450,000 meals annually. We would like to continue collecting canned goods and other non-perishables for this worthy organization.

Please bring canned fruit or vegetables this week. For the next three weeks, boxes will be in the back of the church for your donations.  Thank you for responding to this appeal to feed Brooklyn’s neediest residents.

The Outreach Committee will meet after 10:30 Mass in the sacristy on Sunday, Feb. 17th. Please join us.