“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Midsummers_221_cropTHEATER 2020, Brooklyn Heights’ own professional theater company, is pleased to announce a family-friendly production of William Shakespeare’s “A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM” running 9 performances Friday, May 17th through Sunday, June 1st, 2013 at Saint Charles.

Dates and Times: (Please note varying dates and times)
Fri. May 17th at 8 pm
Sat. May 18th at 8 pm
Sun. May 19th at 3 pm (matinee only)
Fri. May 24th at 8 pm
Sat. May 25th at 4 & 8 pm (matinee & evening performance)
Thu. May 30th at 8 pm
Fri. May 31st at 8 pm
Sat. June 1st at 8 pm

Tickets are $18 cash only at the door, and doors open one half hour before the performance.
Reservations booked at www.theater2020.com or 718-624-3614

Sr. Helen Prejean – “Dead Man Walking”

sr-prejeanSr. Helen Prejean, C.S.J., author of the best-selling book Dead Man Walking, will be speaking at the Mary McDowell Friends School, 23 Sidney Place, on Wednesday, May 15 at 7 p.m. St. Charles is co-sponsoring her talk, “Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States”. Admission is $20. Books will be available for purchase, and Sister Helen will sign books after the talk.

In 1982 Sister Helen was asked to correspond with death row inmate Patrick Sonnier at Angola Prison. She agreed and became his spiritual adviser until his execution in 1984. She wrote about this experience in Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States. The book was on the New York Times bestseller list, the International bestseller list, and became an award-winning movie, an opera and a play.

Continue reading “Sr. Helen Prejean – “Dead Man Walking””

Piano Trio Concert May 4

Please join us at St. Charles Borromeo Church on Saturday, May 4 for a thrilling evening of piano trios! The eclectic program features classic works by brilliant minds, Wolfgang A. Mozart and Robert Schumann, and then moves on to explore the exotic flavor of famed Spanish composer Joaquin Turina, and the passionate tangos of Astor Piazzolla. Enthusiastic collaborators and friends, Sergio Sandí (piano, St Charles Borromeo Music Director, NYC), Francis Liu (violin, NYC), and Natalie Spehar (cello, DC), come together to guide you through some of their favorite works, and look forward to sharing their passion for this music with you!

Providence House Wish Baskets

St. Charles is helping Providence House welcome special needs and low-income tenants to much-needed safe, affordable, permanent, and supportive housing. In the back of the church are examples of bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen basket kits for these tenants. Each basket has wish tags that describe necessities that are needed to fill these baskets. Please take a tag and purchase one or more of these items. The Outreach Committee prays that parishioners will generously help provide what is needed to help set up their homes.