Sign up for our mailing list!

At this Sunday’s Mass, we invite you to join our mailing list, which is sent out weekly to update you about all of the activities of our Catholic community.

Sign up for our mailing list here:

Your name and email address will only be used to send you emails from St. Charles Borromeo and will not be shared with anyone else.

Podcast: The Crucifixion – Lecture Series Part 1

This Lent, St. Charles is partnering with Grace Church for a four-part Lecture Series on The Crucifixion by Fleming Rutledge. This inter-faith fellowship session was on
• Thursday, March 14th at 7:00 PM at St. Charles Borromeo.

Lecturer: Fr. Bill Smith
Musician: Joseph Vanderpool

Future sessions will be held on:
• Thursday, March 21st at 7:00 PM at Grace Church (254 Hicks Street).
• Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 PM at St. Charles Borromeo (19 Sidney Place).
• Thursday, April 4th at 7:00 PM at Grace Church.


Sergio Sandi – Beethoven Sonatas Recital

Music Director Sergio Sandi will be giving a recital of sonatas by Beethoven next Saturday January 19th at 7:30 pm at the church.  Suggested donation $10.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Sonata No. 1 in F minor, Op. 1 No. 1
– Allegro
– Adagio
– Menuetto: allegretto
– Prestissimo
Sonata No. 13 in E-flat major “Quasi una fantasia“, Op. 27 No. 1
– Andante – Allegro – Andante
– Allegro molto e vivace
– Adagio con espressione
– Allegro vivace
Sonata No. 24 in F-sharp major, Op. 78
– Adagio cantabile – Allegro ma non troppo
– Allegro vivace
Sonata No. 21 in C major, Op. 53 – “Waldstein”
– Allegro con brio
– Introduzione: adagio molto

Upcoming Events Jan 14-Feb 3

Media Meeting – Monday, January 14, 7 PM
Please join us for our next meeting on the our efforts to minister to our parishioners that are on the go and have extensive work and family commitments. RSVP to [email protected] if you can participate in person, or can join us remotely via Skype.

Sergio Sandi – Beethoven Sonatas Recital – Saturday, January 19th, 7:30 PM at the church.
Suggested donation $10. See here for more information.

Meet & Greets – Sunday, January 27 after each Mass
Our next Meet & Greets will be on Sunday, January 27. We will be offering coffee and breakfast after the 9 and 11:15 AM Masses, and wine and cheese after the 7 PM Mass. Please join us for hospitality and fellowship!

Bishop’s Visit – Sunday, February 3, 9 AM
*Note the date was incorrect in last week’s email!

Bishop DiMarzio will be visiting St. Charles on Sunday, February 3rd, and will be celebrating the 9 AM Mass that day. Please join us to welcome him together as a parish community that morning. While we will still have the 11:15 AM and 7 PM Masses as usual, it’s also Super Bowl Sunday, so perhaps the 9 AM Mass will best fit your schedule that day.