Recap of “Your Unfinished Business” Talk by Chaplain Pitegoff

Last Sunday, Chaplain Barry E. Pitegoff, BCC gave the inaugural talk at our “Between the Masses” series. His talk on “Your Unfinished Business” addressed spiritual as well as practical steps we should all consider as we and our loved ones approach the end of life. The full text of his remarks is available here.

For those who attended and are looking to hear more from Chaplain Pitegoff, he is a contributor to Jewish Sacred Aging. His recent column, “Do Not Cast Me Off,” can be found at

RSVP for Fall Parish Cookout on 9/15

You and your family are cordially invited to attend
the Fall Parish Cookout
on Sunday, September 15 after the 11:15 AM Mass. 

Join us for a cookout as we reconnect with those who have been away over the summer and welcome in the fall season. There will be activities for all ages, including games and story time with the St. Charles lectors.

To help us arrange for the appropriate amount of food, please let us know if you can attend by September 8. This event is free of charge thanks to your generous donations.

Please fill out the form below to RSVP:

Fall Cookout 2019 RSVP

Survey on Timing of 2nd Christmas Eve Mass

Planning on attending Mass on Christmas Eve at St. Charles Borromeo? If so, we’d welcome your input as we finalize our Mass schedule for the remainder of 2019.

On Tuesday, December 24, we will have a 5 p.m. Christmas Eve Family Mass and also plan to have a later Mass. Last year, the later Mass was said at midnight, but few of our parishioners attended. We are evaluating whether there is a better time. Provide your input via the below survey, which will remain open until September 2.

Christmas Eve Survey
Suggestions for 2nd Christmas Eve Mass Time


Catholic Charities La Frontera Migrant Shelter

Catholic Charities La Frontera Shelter at Laredo, TX receives from the Border Patrol over 200 families admitted for asylum each day. The center feeds, clothes, and reunites the asylees with family in the US until their case is adjudicated. Msgr. LoPinto and Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens are making an urgent appeal for donations to assist this humanitarian work. Donations can be made online through St. Charles at

The following article from America magazine has more information about the shelter and their needs: