Upcoming Celebration of Candlemas (Feb. 2)


Next Sunday, February 2, is 40 days after Christmas and we commemorate the presentation of Jesus and his ransoming as the firstborn son. We will read the beautiful passage from Luke’s Gospel and special prayers of the day. It is also called Candlemas day because the candles for the year are blessed and there is a procession with lit candles from the narthex to the sanctuary. This will be enacted at our 9 AM Mass with the children in our Religious Education program. If you have candles at home which you wished blessed, you are invited to bring them to that Mass. Instructions will be given beforehand.

No Hate, No Fear March

Please join with New Yorkers of all backgrounds and religions this Sunday, January 5, 2020, in a united march against hate and fear.

#StandTogether starting at 11 AM in Foley Square and march across the Brooklyn Bridge to Columbus Park (near Cadman Plaza) arriving around 1:30 p.m.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio will be in attendance representing the leadership of New York’s Catholic community.

Christmas/New Year’s Schedule

Monday, 12/16: Reconciliation Monday – Joining with all the parishes in New York City and Long Island, the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance, Confession) will be offered at StCharles from 4PM to 8PM in the Church. All are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.

Tuesday, 12/17: St. Saviour Catholic Academy tour with Fr. Bill at 9 AM. You can schedule your own tour at https://saintsaviourcatholicacademy.org/calendar/.

Sunday, 12/22: Blessing of Baby Jesus Crèche figures at all Masses (9 AM, 11:15 AM, 7 PM)

Tuesday, 12/24: Christmas Eve – Children’s Vigil Mass with Nativity Pageant at 5 PM.
Christmas Mass During the Night (Midnight Mass) at 8 PM.

Wednesday, 12/25: Christmas Day – Mass at 9 AM and 11:15 AM. (No 7 PM Mass.)

Tuesday, 12/31: Weekday Mass at 12:10 PM; Mary, Mother of God Vigil Mass at 5 PM.

Wednesday, 1/1: Mary, Mother of God. Holy Day of Obligation.  Mass at 9 AM and 11:15 AM.

St. Saviour’s Academy

St. Charles is linked to St. Saviour’s School in Park Slope. I will be attending an open house this Tuesday, December 17 at 9 AM. St. Saviour’s was my first assignment as a Priest 40 years ago. I revisit older assignments rarely and I think this is my first time back in over 20 years. I hope that some of you may be able to join me. If you cannot, I will ask any questions you may have. So far, I have been asked to discover:

  1. How much is Prospect Park used, especially for athletic events?
  2. To what museums and other cultural activities are the students brought? Are they involved with any of the programs in the Brooklyn Museum?
  3. What kind of transportation can be arranged?
  4. How is it Catholic?
  5. What is the process for entering in middle school?
  6. What competitive high schools have the graduates attended?

Thanksgiving Food Drive and Distribution

This Thanksgiving, we are supporting the efforts of Catholic Charities to “help those in need find their Thanksgiving.” For background, their Thanksgiving food drive last year was featured in this NYTimes article. There are two opportunities to participate:

1. Food Drive on Sunday, Nov. 17

We will be hosting a food drive on Sunday, November 17 to collect the following Thanksgiving dinner staples requested by the organizers:

Continue reading “Thanksgiving Food Drive and Distribution”

All Saints / All Souls / St. Charles Borromeo Novena

This week, we will honor and remember all of the Saints and Souls in Heaven, especially our patron saint, St. Charles Borromeo, and our late devoted parishioner Frances X. Gates.

We have prepared a Novena prayer guide for you to use over the 9 days leading up to St. Charles Day on November 4th. If it is possible, attend all or as many of the 9 days of Masses between this Sunday and next Monday, where we will pray the Novena together, or pray the prayer for each day.

Sunday, October 27: 30th Sunday Ordinary Time – Novena Day 1
Mass at 9 am, 11:15 am, 7 pm. Infant Baptisms at 11:15 am Mass. Special Blessing for NYC Marathon Runners at each Mass. Parish Leadership meeting at 5:30 pm in the Rectory.

Monday, October 28: Novena Day 2
Weekday Mass at 12:10 pm

Tuesday, October 29: Novena Day 3 
Frances X. Gates: Wake 10 am, Mass of Christian Burial at 11 am at the Church – all parishioners welcome. Weekday Mass at 12:10 pm

Wednesday, October 30: Novena Day 4
Weekday Mass at 12:10 pm

Thursday, October 31: Novena Day 5
Weekday Mass at 12:10 pm

Friday, November 1: All Saints Day, Novena Day 6: Holy Day of Obligation
Masses at 12:10 pm and 7 pm

Saturday, November 2: All Souls Day, Novena Day 7
Novena Mass at Noon

Sunday, November 3: St. Charles Borromeo Parish Patronal Feast Celebrated, Novena Day 8
Masses at 9 am, 11:15 am, 7 pm. New Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal Missals blessed and distributed. Meet and Greets after each Mass: coffee and refreshments after 9 am and 11:15 am Masses, wine and cheese after the 7 pm Mass.

Monday, November 4: Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo, Novena Day 9
Mass at 12:10 pm. Discussion: Developing a Young Professionals Ministry, hosted by Paul Morisi at 7:30 pm in the Rectory.