Ability to Attend Tonight’s Flannery O’Connor Meeting Remotely

Flannery O’Connor for Lent

Tonight is the second in our four-part discussion series with Grace Church on Flannery O’Connor’s short stories. We will discuss You Can’t Be Any Poorer than Dead (first chapter of the Violent Bear it Away). Tonight’s meeting will be held at Grace Church (254 Hicks Street).

There is an option to join tonight’s meeting remotely via your computer, tablet, smartphone, or by dialing in: [Zoom meeting details removed from website for security reasons]

We’ll open the online meeting at 7 PM. The full schedule is:

6:30 – Soup dinner
7:00 – Opening prayer and brief introduction
7:10 – Small group discussion
7:45 – Continued discussion with everyone
8:00 – Closing prayer

We continue to monitor the evolving impact of the coronavirus in New York City. Currently, all our weekend Masses and activities are planned to proceed. Since some of us may not be able to attend Mass in person, we have an option to stay connected to the parish by streaming the Mass from a computer, tablet, or phone, or by dialing in. More information will follow in the weekly email.

Trip to the Theater for “Building the Wall – La Construcción del Muro”

This Sunday, join Sergio Sandi, our music director, and a group of parishioners for the 3 PM matinee performance of “La Construcción del Muro” / Building the Wall.” If you are interested in joining in, please email Sergio, [email protected]

More information about the play, which is running through March 15, is below: Continue reading “Trip to the Theater for “Building the Wall – La Construcción del Muro””

Flannery O’Connor for Lent: It’s Complicated

Inter-Faith Lenten Program

Once again, St. Charles is partnering with Grace Church for a four-part discussion series during Lent. This year, we will discuss several short stories by Flannery O’Connor. Join us for this inter-faith fellowship on:
• Thursday, March 5 at 6:30 PM at St. Charles Borromeo to discuss Revelation
• Thursday, March 12 at 6:30 PM at Grace Church (254 Hicks Street) to discuss You Can’t Be Any Poorer than Dead (first chapter of the Violent Bear it Away)
• Thursday, March 19 at 6:30 PM at St. Charles Borromeo to discuss a Good Man is Hard to Find
• Thursday, March 26 at 6:30 PM at Grace Church to discuss a Temple of the Holy Spirit
Each evening will include:
6:30 – Soup dinner
7:00 – Opening prayer and brief introduction
7:10 – Small group discussion
7:45 – Continued discussion with everyone
8:00 – Closing prayer

Ash Wednesday Schedule

Distribution of Ashes: Our church will open at 7 AM and ashes will be distributed throughout the day until 3:45 PM. There will also be ashes distributed at all the Masses and the service.

Mass with distribution of ashes: 7 AM, 12:10 PM, 7 PM. 

Service for Children and Families: 4 PM.

Service at Pierrepont House: 1:30 PM.

Confessions: after the 7 AM Mass; before and after the 12:10 PM Mass; before and after the 4 PM Service (until 6 PM); after the 7 PM Mass.

Young Family Fellowship

Are you a parent of an infant or a toddler?  Do you have a baby on the way? Are you an experienced parent or family member who has raised young children in the community?

Many of us at St. Charles look after both the practical and spiritual needs of very young children. How can we support each other?

Please join us to plan a fellowship group for young families:
Continue reading “Young Family Fellowship”

Lent 2020

From Ash Wednesday to Holy Week, there are many occasions to celebrate and connect with God. Please sign up below to let us know what activities you are interested in

You are invited to join our Live Lent Faith Sharing Groups starting Sunday, March 1. Groups meet Sundays at 8 AM or 6 PM in the Parish House/Rectory. No need to attend every session.
Join us for Eucharistic Adoration at St. Charles during this holy season. Starting Thursday, February 27, adoration will be held from 9 AM to Noon each weekday.


St. Charles and Grace Church are hosting a Lenten discussion series on short stories by Flannery O’Connor. It will start on Mar. 5 at St. Charles at 6:30 PM and continue for next three Thursdays alternating between Grace Church and St. Charles. Please see stcharlesbklyn.org/flannery-oconnor-for-lent-its-complicated for the complete schedule and the short stories under discussion.

Volunteers are needed for multiple ministry opportunities. From one-time opportunities to on-going commitments, we welcome you to become a more active member of the St. Charles community.
• Eucharistic Ministers are needed to distribute ashes at Ash Wednesday Services and also bring ashes to parishioners confined to homes and hospitals on Ash Wednesday.
• Participants are needed for Holy Thursday Services.
• Enhance your church-going experience and become a lay minister. We need Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers (EM), Lectors, and support for our Media/Recording Team.

Lent 2020
Join a Faith Sharing Group
Serve as a Lay Minister?
Participate in washing of feet on Holy Thursday