Sunday 9 AM Faith Sharing Group Continues Past Lent

Our Sunday 9 AM faith sharing group continues to meet online. While it was originally planned to be a Lenten faith sharing group, the group will continue to meet during this extraordinary time of no public Masses.

All are welcome even if you are joining for the first time. You can connect via our public Zoom meeting ID (819 741 616). Full instructions, including a way to join by phone, are available here.

Please note that the Sunday evening faith sharing group will no longer be meeting.

Join Us for Noon Prayer on Wednesday

We invite you to join us tomorrow at 12 p.m. Eastern as we respond to the pope’s call to pray the Our Father together:

Pope Francis has called on the leaders of all the Christian churches, communities and confessions worldwide, as well Christians everywhere, to join together in praying the Our Father on March 25 to implore God to rid the world of the coronavirus pandemic that is wreaking havoc everywhere.
“In these days of trial, as humanity trembles at the threat of the [coronavirus] pandemic, I would propose that all Christians join their voices together to heaven,” Francis told a virtual audience following on Vatican News Media.
– Pope Francis calls on Christians worldwide to combat coronavirus pandemic with midday prayer on March 25, America Magazine

Since tomorrow is the Feast of the Annunciation, we will also pray a decade of the rosary together as we mediate on the first Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation.

You can connect via Zoom. [Zoom dial-in info removed from website for security reasons]

Streaming of Sunday Mass Will Continue

About 50 families joined together this past Sunday for the live-streaming of Mass from the St. Charles rectory chapel and the recording has received more than 30 views since it was posted. With so much change recently, it was wonderful to see familiar names and hear familiar voices even if only through the computer speakers.

Our plan is to continue streaming a Mass on Sunday at 11:15 AM.

You can connect via our public Zoom meeting ID (819 741 616). Full instructions, including a way to dial in by phone, are available here.