Recording of Friday’s Prayer Service and Juneteenth Discussion

At Friday’s evening prayer service, St. Charles Borromeo commemorated the Sacred Heart of Jesus and also gathered together for Juneteenth. Fritz Cherubin Jr. spoke on the history of Juneteenth and offered suggestions for deeper exploration, including:

  • reflecting on what it would have been like for a slave in Texas to have heard the June 19, 1865 declaration;
  • reading more about Brooklyn Heights’ role in the abolition movement and the Underground Railroad; and
  • watching the documentation 13TH about modern-day mass incarcerations.

If you weren’t able to join, the prayer service was recorded and is available on our YouTube channel. Fritz’s remarks begin at this point. Following the June 5 prayer service on justice and equality, a number of parishioners reached out asking for suggestions on reading and viewing materials to explore these topics in more depth. Suggested materials, which cover the topics Fritz mentioned, are here.

Friday Prayer Service for Sacred Heart of Jesus and Freedom

Today, we commemorate the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We invite you to join us at 5 PM for Evening Prayer in which we pray the Vespers service from the Liturgy of the Hours, the official prayer of the Church. We will also pray for freedom as today is also Juneteenth.

Please download the worship aid to participate in tonight’s evening prayer at 5 PM:

Instructions for joining are available here or you can watch below via YouTube:

Online Community Mass – Corpus Christi – 6/14 11:15 am EDT

Please join us for our Online Community Mass for Corpus Christi – Sunday, June 14 at 11:15 AM EDT.

Instructions to view the Mass are available here.


Online Community Mass – Most Holy Trinity 6/7 11:15 am EDT

Please join us for our Online Community Mass for Trinity Sunday on June 7 at 11:15 AM EDT. Click the video below to view:

Instructions to view the Mass are available here.


Evening Prayer for Justice and Equality on Fri., June 5

Please join for evening prayer on June 5 at 5 p.m. This week, we will pray together for the victims of racial injustice and for reform in our nation. The prayers will be followed by a brief novena to St. Anthony and then by a discussion with Tevin Williams and Josephine Dongbang about racial injustice and what we can do for progress.

The service text with the prayers we will use for Friday’s evening prayer is available below:

Instructions for how to participate in the online Zoom event are available here. You can also watch live via YouTube:

St. Anthony’s Novena 6/4-6/12

From Thursday June 4 through Friday, June 12, we’ll meet at 5 pm each evening at the usual St. Charles Zoom link to pray a Novena to StAnthony in preparation for his feast day, June 13.  Like the Holy Spirit Novena, each day takes about 10-15 minutes, and on days when we pray the rosary or vespers at 5 pm, the novena will follow.

Download the prayers here: Saint Anthony Novena 06.03.20 Continue reading “St. Anthony’s Novena 6/4-6/12”