Community Mass for Racial and Social Justice

Please join us to celebrate the Mass on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 18:

Community Mass – 2nd Sunday Ordinary Time

Please join us to celebrate the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time on Sunday, January 17:

  • 9 AM EST – Morning Mass – In Person at the Church, not live streamed.
  • 11:15 AM EST Community Mass In Person at the Church and also streamed online and available for playback.

    Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window above.

Today’s readings and hymns are available to download here:

Thursday Book Club: Fratelli Tutti

The Thursday night book club is reading Pope’s recent encyclical Fratelli Tutti, the Pope’s recent social encyclical on important contemporary issues.

This Thursday at 7 PM, we will discuss Chapter 7, “Paths of Renewed Encounter” (paragraphs 225-270) and be joined by Larry Chapp, theologian and owner/manager of the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm in Harveys Lake, PA. You can read one of Larry’s recent articles on Pope Francis here.

Suggestions Welcome for Novena Prayers and Readings

More than 50 people joined for the first night of the Novena for Our Country that we are sponsoring together with St. Augustine and St. Francis Xavier. The novena is being said nightly via Zoom at 5 PM through next Tuesday. For more information, see the “Invitation to Novena for Our Country”. Don’t worry if you missed the first night, you are welcome to join in.

As I mentioned last night, I have received wonderful suggestions for prayers and readings for upcoming nights of the novena. I encourage you to keep emailing them to me, [email protected]. This has truly been a communal effort in a time that certainly needs one, and I see my role for this novena as primarily being editor.

Please make your suggestions based on the following format:

A. Entrance Antiphon: Short scripture verse

B. Opening Prayer: Collects from the Roman Missal are appropriate; as well as the several suggestions from the Book of Common Prayer (1928 and 1976)

C. Reading: Most suggestions to date have been from Fratelli Tutti chapter 5. We will use these until Thursday. Other ideas welcome. We have had one from Bishop Curry, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church and one from St Pope John Paul 2nd. Please give enough text to supply some background.

C. Scripture response: Keep it short and simple.

D. Concluding Prayer: People have been very creative.

E. Final Blessing: This is the only part that will be said by a priest.

I have included the readings until Thursday below, but you can send prayers whether they fit these readings or not for future use. There will be a special emphasis on Mary for Saturday.

Let us support each other in this most difficult and dangerous time.

I remain
In Christ,
Fr. Bill Smith

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