Corpus Christi Outdoor Mass

Together with our neighboring parish, we will have an outdoor Mass and Eucharistic Adoration on Corpus Christi Sunday, June 11. The Mass will start at 11:30 AM in Carroll Park in Carroll Gardens. There will be no morning Masses at St. Charles Borromeo that Sunday. We will still have a 7 PM Mass.

Volunteers Needed – The Mass and Eucharistic Adoration is a collaborative event and all the churches will be pitching in. Please sign up below to help before, during, or after the event.

Continue reading “Corpus Christi Outdoor Mass”

Community Mass – 3rd Sunday of Easter

Join us in person or online for the 3rd Sunday of Easter.

Mass times for Easter are:

  • 9 AM ET Sunday – Morning Mass
  • 11:15 AM ET Sunday – Community Mass
  • 7 PM ET Sunday – Evening Mass

Watch the video live by clicking in the window above.
Automated closed captioning is available.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel stcharlesbklyn at this link to watch on your Internet enabled TV or viewing device.

Today’s readings will be from Cycle A.

Readings/Psalms: 1067

The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are available for use in the church – they are at the ends of the pews. Please return the missals to the end of the pew after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here: .

Today’s readings are also available to read online at the USCCB website .

Community Mass – Easter

He has Risen! Join us in person or online for Easter Sunday.

Mass times for Easter are:

  • 8 PM ET Saturday – Easter Vigil Massplease assemble outside the church for the lighting of the Paschal Candle
  • 9 AM ET Sunday – Morning Mass
  • 11:15 AM ET Sunday – Community Mass
    There will be no 7 PM Mass on Easter Sunday.

Watch the video live by clicking in the window above.
Automated closed captioning is available.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel stcharlesbklyn at this link to watch on your Internet enabled TV or viewing device.

Today’s readings will be from Cycle A.

Easter Vigil Readings: 1047
Easter Day Readings: 1065

The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are available for use in the church – they are at the ends of the pews. Please return the missals to the end of the pew after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here: .

Today’s readings are also available to read online at the USCCB website .

  • Annual Easter Gift to the Parish – Easter is the greatest celebration in the Catholic church as we commemorate Christ’s resurrection from the dead. This collection is an extra holiday offering which our parish depends upon to cover our expenses over the year.
  • Easter Flowers for the Church – This Easter season, we will decorate the church to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection and memorialize loved ones with flowers.

Community Mass – Palm Sunday

On Sunday, April 2 2023, join us in person or online for Palm Sunday. Palms will be distributed in person.

Our current Sunday Mass times are:

  • 9 AM ET – Morning Massplease assemble outside the church for the procession
  • 11:15 AM ET – Community Mass
  • 7:00 PM ET – Evening Mass

Watch the video live by clicking in the window above.
Automated closed captioning is available.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel stcharlesbklyn at this link to watch on your Internet enabled TV or viewing device.

Today’s readings will be from Cycle A.

Readings/Psalm – 1031

Entrance: All Glory, Laud, and Honor – 498

Psalm 22 – My God, My God

Offertory: O Sacred Head Surrounded – 512

Communion: Precious Lord, Take My Hand

Closing: Were You There – 511

The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are available for use in the church – they are at the ends of the pews. Please return the missals to the end of the pew after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here: .

Today’s readings are also available to read online at the USCCB website .

  • Annual Easter Gift to the Parish – Easter is the greatest celebration in the Catholic church as we commemorate Christ’s resurrection from the dead. This collection is an extra holiday offering which our parish depends upon to cover our expenses over the year.
  • Easter Flowers for the Church – This Easter season, we will decorate the church to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection and memorialize loved ones with flowers.