Week of June 13


Sunday, June 13 – The 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9:00 Marie Giamoni
Requested by Sr Catherine Cunningham

10:30 Catherine Galllagher
Requested by the Gallagher family

7:00 Sergio Arias Requested by the Arias family

Monday, June 14 – Weekday

12:10 Martin A. Randisi

Requested by Mrs. Marti Randisi

Tuesday, June15 – Weekday 12:10 Carina Villanueva

Requested by Menchu, Magsino & Jhenny Dolatre

Wednesday, June 16 – Weekday 12:10 James & Madeline McMahon Requested by Dorothy McMahon

Thursday, June 17 – Weekday 12:10. Paul Del Bove

Requested by Robert Oliva

Friday, June 18 – Weekday 12:10 Mary M. Quinlan

Requested by Philip Murray

Nursery Bible Story Time

There will be a Nursery Bible Story Time Today after 10:30 mass. These will continue on the second Sunday of the month throughout the summer.

For more information contact Dyanne Rosado at [email protected].
RCIA Adult Exploration of the Catholic Faith

Every year our Parish conducts an RCIA program which helps adults explore the Catholic Faith. Adults who have not been baptized or who are part of another faith community looking for an opportunity to explore the Catholic Faith can participate and prayerfully discern if the Lord is calling them to be baptized. May we ask your help to “spread the good news” about this program? Inquires or questions should be directed to Fr Ed at [email protected] .

Outreach Committee

Our next Outreach Committee meeting will be held Today after 10:30 Mass in the Sacristy. This will be our last meeting until September. Join us to plan ways we can implement the mission of St. Charles Borromeo parish.

Theology on Tap

The second of SCB’s Theology on Tap program is scheduled for Tuesday June 15th at 7:30. The wonderful folks at EAMMON’S on Montague Street have generously extended an offer allowing us the use of their second floor to hold our program. Our first program was held on a snowy February evening. Forty people attended and they wanted the program to be continued. So we are! It is not a lecture, it isn’t a bible reading it’s an opportunity to ask questions and participate In conversation.

Peter’s Pence Collection

On Sunday, June 27 our diocese will take up a second collection, the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the assistance he needs to carry out his most important charitable works. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Through your generosity, with Pope Benedict we can cast the love of Christ upon the world.

Summer Church Offering

The summer provides a time for family to go on vacation, relax and have a good time. Refreshment and renewal are the very center of the warm days of summer. May we ask that you be certain we get your weekly offerings to assist the cost of maintaining the church. We deeply appreciate your wonderful support.

2010 Annual Catholic Appeal

As of June 2, 2010, 81 parishioners pledged $43,240 to the Appeal. This put us to 160  of our goal! Every pledge that comes in from now on goes directly to the support of our Parish.

We would ask every parishioner to make a sacrificial pledge to support this most important endeavor. We are about to incur great expense preparing our buildings for new uses. We need your help.

Grand Piano Needed

The piano by the St. Joseph Altar is in poor condition (its sound board is broken). Repairing it would be expensive and yield uncertain results. If any parishioner knows someone looking to “get rid of’ a concert quality grand piano please let Sergio or Fr Ed know.

A good used grand or baby grand piano (which we could have tuned) would be a great blessing to our music ministry.

News From The Garden

Many thanks to Sister Eileen and all the Sisters as well as to Dewey and Tracy Howard for donating the fme benches in the Meditation Garden. And a big thanks to Andre and Lela Madoo for donating and installing the pea gravel pathway which is so inviting and looks great. We thank all the other parishioners who have brought plants to the garden. We’re all looking forward to seeing everything grow this summer! Come visit when you can and experience this tranquil garden created with energy and dedication from our parishioners.

Refreshing the Alter Linens

The committee inventory of the church’s altar linens revealed a new set of altar cloths is sorely needed. Most of the altar cloths are damaged from years of use, do not fit the existing altars and in need of replacement. Our committee members have donated a new set of linens to fit the four altars. These new linen cloths are being made by a seamstress Patricia Foley, in rural Illinois who sews catholic linens and will be offered to the church in June.

Block Party – Save the Date

While summer is just beginning we want to remind you to save the aftemoon of September 25 for the 1st Annual St Charles Borromeo Block Party. There will be activities for children, a St Charles ‘Sweets’ table, a St Charles used book table, and we are planning for lots of vendors selling great wares!

We need parishioners to join the Block Party Team and contribute their talents in the following areas: Set-up and Clean-up Crew Staff the St Charles Tables Staff the Children’s Activities and Events Baking Crew to provide sweets and more …. If you can join our team please contact the rectory at [email protected] and provide your name and contact information.

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Devotion to the Sacred Heart is but a special form of devotion to Jesus. We shall know just what it is and what distinguishes it when we ascertain its object, its foundations, and its proper act. The nature of this question is complex and frequently becomes more complicated because of the difficulties arising from terminology. Omitting terms that are overtechnical, we shall study the ideas in themselves, and, that we may the sooner find our bearings, it will be well to remember the meaning and use of the word heart in current language. (a) The word heart awakens, first of all, the idea of a material heart, of the vital organ that throbs within our bosom, and which we vaguely realize as intimately connected not only with our own physical, but with our emotional and moral life. Now this heart of flesh is currently accepted as the emblem of the emotion and moral life with which we associate it, and hence the place assigned to the word heart in symbolic language, as also the use of the same word to designate those things symbolized by the heart. Note, for instance, the expressions “to open one’s heart”, “to give one’s heart”, etc. It may happen that the symbol becomes divested of its material meaning that the sign is overlooked in beholding only the thing signified. Thus, in current language, the word soul no longer suggests the thought of breath, and the word heart brings to mind ouly the idea of courage and love. But this is perhaps a figure of speech or a metaphor, rather than a symbol. A symbol is a real sign, whereas a metaphor is ouly a verbal sign; a symbol is a thing that signifies another thing, but a metaphor is a word used to indicate something different from its proper meaning. Finally, in current language, we are constantly passing from the part to the whole, and, by a perfectly natural figure of speech, we use the word heart to designate a person. These ideas will aid us in determining the object of the devotion to the Sacred Heart.

Theology on Tap 2

The second of SCB’s Theology on Tap program is scheduled for Tuesday June 15th at 7:30. The wonderful folks at EAMMON’S on Montague Street have generously extended an offer allowing us the use of their second floor to hold our program. Our first program was held on a snowy February evening. Forty people attended and they wanted the program to be continued. So we are!

It is not a lecture, it isn’t a bible reading – it’s an opportunity to ask questions and participate in conversation.

Msgr. John Strynkowski is going to join us and he would like to discuss local church vs corporate church. An interesting topic for sure, so why not plan to join us that evening and see what it is all about. By the way when Fr. Ed has a theology question…… he seeks out the Monseignor!