Feast of St. Blaise – Blessing of Throats

Suffering and illness have always been among the greatest problems that trouble the human spirit. As Catholics, we feel and experience pain as do people of every faith; yet our faith helps us to grasp more deeply the mystery of suffering and to bear their pain with greater courage. The annual blessing of throats is a transitional sign of the struggle against illness in the life of a Catholic.

On Thursday, February 3, there will be a Blessing of Throats at our regular 12:10 pm Mass. Please come!

Theology on Tap

Theology on Tap is an opportunity for Catholics over 21 years of age to meet and explore the questions of God, faith and ethical living. Come to Harry O’s (125 Lawrence St) at 7:00 pm to hear speakers on February 15 & March 1. Speakers will include David Givson, Kathleen Quirk and Marion Boteju. For more information contact Father Anthony [email protected] , [email protected] or Kevin at [email protected].

Announcements for Jan 22

2011 St. Charles Borromeo Giving Campaign Please remember to complete and return your 2011 Giving Campaign Pledge card to the rectory as soon as you are able. To date, 55 parish households have made a pledge. Returning your pledge card allows the Parish Finance Committee to plan the budget for 2011. If you need a pledge card, please call (718-625-1177) or email ([email protected]) the Rectory.

Are You Interested in Becoming a Catholic? We will be conducting a program for people who would like to explore the Catholic Faith and to prepare them for Baptism. Please email Fr Ed to obtain more information or to sign up! Our email is [email protected].

Xavier High School Open House Xavier High School (30 West 16th St in Manhattan) will be hosting an Open House on Saturday, January 29, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Sixth and seventh grade students and their parents are invited. (212-924-7900 Ex 1442)

Outreach Committee As the new year begins, the Outreach Committee is preparing for 2011. Won’t you consider joining us in planning ways our parishioners can give of their time and talent for 2011? We will meet in the Sacristy Sunday, January 30th after the 10:30 Mass. Please leave your name, contact number, or email address at the rectory, or contact Robin Curtis, at [email protected] join us. Thank you.

Christmas Pageant Costumes Anyone who has not had a chance to drop-off their children’s Christmas pageant costume, they can be dropped off in the sacristy after mass.

Mass Intentions We currently have some open times for Mass Intentions. The offering for a weekday mass is $15 and for some Sunday Masses is $30. If you would like to have a mass offered for someone, please call the parish office.

Annual Catholic Appeal 2010 Thanks to the 120 parishioners who contributed $76,365 (273% of our goal) to the Annual Catholic Appeal. In 2009 we collected $73,324 (262% of our goal) !

Free Estate Planning Seminary On Monday, January 31 from 9:30 am to 12:15 pm Saint Francis College is hosting a Free Estate Planning Seminar. The seminar will offer attendees tools and insights for meeting their estate planning goals of providing for themselves, their families, and their philanthropic interests. For information [email protected] or call 718-489-5361!

Canby Singers This afternoon at 4:00 pm the Canby Singers will be offering a performance in our Church. This wonderful group provides an enjoyable singing experience for your enjoyment. Donation will be $10 paid at the door when you enter. Please attend.

Ash Wednesday – Beginning of Lent 2011 This year Ash Wednesday is scheduled for March 9, 2011. We encourage every parishioner to begin to formulate plans for Lenten Practices. The Parish will be offering Awakening Faith as one possible to grow spiritually during Lent. One evening (or Sunday afternoon) each week will make this a most special Lent for you and your family. Please plan to attend.

Cluster Confirmation – Saturday, May 14, 2011 The Family Faith Program students preparing for Confirmation will receive that Sacrament from Bishop Sansaricq on Saturday, May 14 at 5:00 pm. Please pray for our students as they prepare for this milestone in their Spiritual life! They will be joining students from Assumption, St Boniface, St James and Queen of All Saints receiving Confirmation at St Charles Borromeo Parish.

Thank You A huge Thank You goes out to John Schroeder for taking the lead in clearing the snow from the Church steps and around our property. Your efforts on a snowy Wednesday helped us get ready for the daily Mass and make us responsible Brooklyn Heights neighbors.

Theology on Tap Theology on Tap is an opportunity for Catholics over 21 years of age to meet and explore the questions of God, faith and ethical living. Come to Harry O’s (125 Lawrence St) at 7:00 pm to hear speakers on February 1, 15 & March 1. The February 1 speaker will be Bill McGarvey, musician and former editor-in-chief of Busted Halo, on “Lost in Translation? Talking about God in an age of religious illiteracy.” Other speakers will include David Givson, Kathleen Quirk and Marion Boteju. For more information contact Father Anthony [email protected] , [email protected] or Kevin at [email protected].