Parish Fish Fry: March 31

We had a great time at our parish fish fry last year and we will be holding it again this year on Friday, March 31. We hope to dine in the rectory backyard (weather permitting).

We will start with evening prayers (Vespers) in the rectory chapel at 5 PM followed by a social gathering starting around 5:30 PM.

Plans have been made to have quite a delicious fish dinner. The best part will be sharing it with each another.

Join us. Please let us know through by signing up below so we can order the right amount of food. You can also contribute online to help defray the costs and support our social gatherings.

Parish Fish Fry

Novena to St. Joseph

We invite you to join in saying a Novena to St. Joseph. St. Joseph is patron of the Universal Church, unborn children, fathers, workers, travelers, immigrants, expectant parents, families, and a happy death. 

The novena will begin this Sunday, March 12 and end on Monday, March 20, when St. Joseph’s feast day is celebrated this year. We will pray it together at the start of our 5 PM parish Zoom events (Sunday faith sharing, rosaries on Monday and Wednesday, and Friday Vespers). Don’t worry if you can’t join in every night. The materials are available online here if you want to pray one or more days on your own.

Homily – 3rd Sunday Ordinary Time (Fr. Smith)

Long quotes from the Old Testament , like the one which opens today’s Gospel, are not the most exciting passages in the scriptures. They may be important for scholars, but do not engage the common believer. Yet we ignore any passage of scripture at our peril. The Gospels, in particular, are written with great economy and every word is meaningful. This passage is important for understanding Jesus’s intentions and illuminates this week’s special celebration.

Continue reading “Homily – 3rd Sunday Ordinary Time (Fr. Smith)”

Thank You for Supporting the Christmas Toy Drive

Custom House was packed with donated toys on Saturday, December 10. These were donated to the Catholic Charities toy drive so that parents could select gifts and make sure their children had something under the tree.

We posted a recorded message of thanks from John O’Malley, the St. Charles parishioner who organized and has kept this toy drive running for the last eleven years; Fr. Bill, pastor of St. Charles Borromeo; and Red, the proprietor of the Custom House to our YouTube channel.

Thank you for bringing light to the Christmases of so many of our neighbors.

Reconciliation Monday, December 19

December 19 is Reconciliation Monday in the Diocese of Brooklyn as well as the Archdiocese of New York. Churches will be opened for extended hours to help those who have been away from the Sacrament of Confession / Reconciliation / Penance for a while, return to the practice of our faith.

At St. Charles Borromeo, confessions will be heard from 5 PM to 9 PM. Please note the times were incorrectly listed in the parish email on December 10.

Thanksgiving Schedule

Tuesday 11/22: Food Pantry Packing 8 am -12 noon; Mass at 12:10 pm,

Wednesday 11/23: Food Pantry Distribution 8:30 am – 2:30 pm; Mass at 12:10 pm, Zoom Rosary at 5 pm

Thursday 11/24: Thanksgiving Mass at 9 am (no 12:10 pm Mass; no Brownstone Book Club)

Friday 11/25: Communion Service with Liturgy of the Word at 12:10 pm; Zoom Vespers at 5 pm