Lenten Scripture Groups

This Lenten season, St. Charles invites you to Live Lent. Join a small group for an opportunity to share your faith with some of your fellow parishioners. These weekly small discussion groups take a deeper look at each Sunday’s gospel and provide inspiration for conversation about how our faith applies to our everyday lives. Sign-up sheets are available in the pews and at the back of the church. Please fill one out with your contact information and your day & time meeting preferences. Either drop it in the offertory basket or put it in one of the baskets at the back of the church on your way out.

Groups start the first week of Lent (Feb. 15) and run for six weeks (through March 28). Instead of giving up chocolate, join us this Lent to connect with your parish neighbors, deepen your spirituality and learn more about your faith. If you’d like more information, please contact the rectory.

Lenten Eucharistic Adoration

Lent begins on Wednesday, February 14th and we will once again have Eucharistic Adoration every weekday morning from 9:00 AM until noon.

To do this, we need at least one person present at all times in the church. So we are looking for volunteers to fill an hourly time slot, once a week. (Monday -Friday, 9-12)
Perhaps if you are in the neighborhood during the weekdays this Lent, you can help us out? If you cannot commit to a weekly hour, but can do several hours over the season, that is very helpful to us and we would love to hear from you.

Please email Maureen Pond at [email protected] to volunteer. There are also sign-up sheets in the back of the church. Thank you!