Revised Time and Meeting Info for Thursday’s Flannery O’Connor Discussion

The last session in our Lenten discussion series with Grace Church will be on Thursday and will focus on A Temple of the Holy Ghost. Please note that the details were listed incorrectly in weekly email.

The session will begin at 6:30 PM. This session is hosted by Grace Church, so it has a different Meeting ID and dial-in, which are listed below. The below details will only work for this session and will not allow you to connect to other St. Charles online events.

[Zoom meeting details removed from website for security reasons]

Praying the Liturgy of the Hours

The Liturgy of the Hours is the official prayer of the Catholic Church. As its name suggests it is the concrete expression of the Church’s desire to fulfill St Paul’s injunction to “pray without ceasing.” (1 Thess. 5:17) It is composed mostly of Psalms and other “songs” from the Old Testament and readings from both. It is often referred to as “The Breviary.” The word is derived from “breviarium” which means brief summary.  We may not find it all that brief but it does put together the Church’s prayer in one place and is remarkably easy to master. Continue reading “Praying the Liturgy of the Hours”

Collection to Support Catholic Charities Food Assistance

One of Catholic Charities’ services is providing nutritious meals to seniors. Because of the state of emergency in New York City, the Catholic Charities Centers are unable to have guests enter to receive meals. Take away baskets of healthy food are being provided instead. Catholic Charities has also expanded its outreach efforts to meet the growing need caused by the coronavirus outbreak. As a result, Catholic Charities is facing substantially increased demands on its resources.

We support Catholic Charities in its ministry. If you are able to contribute financially, we encourage you to donate online at

Sunday 3/15 Masses – Live Stream

Sunday 3/15 9 am, 11:15 am, 7 pm masses are still being held today. [Zoom meeting details removed from website for security reasons]

Eucharist Adoration will continue Monday-Friday 9 am – noon in the Church.

Beginning Monday 3/16 there will be no weekday or Sunday public Masses until further notice. Arrangements for online worship will be posted here and on our email list.

3rd Sunday of Lent – The Wisdom of Knowing We Are Loved

Christ and the Woman of Samaria, Rembrandt and student, c. 1655 (Met. Museum of Art, New York)

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the First Reading
Exodus 17:3–7
March 15, 2020

The passage that we read today was quoted in the Gospel for Sunday in the first week of Lent. St Matthew, following the rabbis of his day, saw the irony of the passage. The Israelites thought that they were testing God, but He was testing them.

What exactly happened in the book of Exodus is unclear. A mass migration of hundreds of thousands of people is most unlikely. The theory that there was no migration at all, but a revolution of tribes within Canaan, was popular for a decade or so but is now losing its appeal. Some scholars believe that there was an Exodus from Egypt by a Semitic group which we could most likely identify with the tribe of Levi. This clan by both military prowess and a more attractive theology was able to attract other tribes to join them and eventually settled in Canaan. This would fit the reality of today’s situation: Continue reading “3rd Sunday of Lent – The Wisdom of Knowing We Are Loved”